Thursday, October 30, 2008

Started running again, thought about running away

I started running again today after a 20-day layoff in an effort to give my knees a rest before I start the intense training. For some reason, in the middle of the run, I was thinking about registering for the race this weekend and I started to freak out....

For the last month I have been telling people that I am thinking of doing an Ironman. I identified the race, I found a training program, I drilled into DHs head what this was going to be like for him, I invited my brother to register with's something I have been dreaming about doing for 15 years.

The registration opens Sunday and I know a lot of these races fill up fast so I need to pull the trigger.

Next August is SO far away. What if I get hurt? What if I get to the longer mileage in June and my knees start killing me? (No, I've never had problems before other than the occasional injury, but I am starting to freak out.) Sure, I have done triathlons before. I finished a marathon. I've done adventure races that took me nine hours....but still. This is an Ironman distance race.

And I'm 36, will be 37 for the race. Am I completely nuts???

I know this is just last minute jitters before actually commiting. I have been so excited all just hit me today that in 2 days I have to make the commitment and in one month the training program seriously starts.

I won't run away.....really.....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

I am trying to recruit my brother to do the race with me. He lives on the other coast, so we won't be training together....but it will be someone to trade stories with, keep motivated with, and run the race with (well, thinking about him up ahead of me....)

But it will be fun!

I have been focusing on weight lifting and walking right now for weight my knees a rest before I start training. So far...I feel good. Looking forward to actually having a registration, a date on the calendar, a countdown to race day.

Whoo hoo!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week Seven - Clawing my way back on track

The calf is not 100%, so I am not sure that my runs this week will be what is prescribed. I was able to go 40 very slow minutes on it Sunday before it hurt to the point of stopping me, but then walked around Disneyland all day and it aches for sure.

Here is my week ahead:

Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #7 - 1st Week of 2nd Pre-Season Cycle Swim 2:30 - Bike 4:25 - Run 2:35 -- Total: 9:30

SWIM 0:45
400 Swim -- gradually build up from 60% to 70% intensity
4 x 75 (middle 25 Kick) w/10 sec rest after each
4 x 200 @75% w/20 sec rest after each -- straight into
5 x 100 @75% w/10 sec rest after each -- your speed should increase as the distance decreases, even while holding the same intensity level throughout
(ALTERNATE MAIN SET: 4 x 150 w/20; 6 x 50 w/10)
300 easy, Kick every third 25

BIKE 1:05
10:00 easy spinning in your small chainring, gradually allowing your HR
to get up to 70%
3 x 3:00 VG Set w/30 sec rest
-- each one should be done as follows, twice through (continuous):
40 sec in medium gear @100 rpm
20 sec in easy gear @110 rpm
30 sec in hard gear @85-90 rpm
3 x (3.1mi / 5km / 9:30) @75% intensity w/1:30 recovery after each
Cool down completely, allowing your HR to gradually get back close to 50% by the end
RUN 0:35
Straight, relaxed aerobic run -- follow this structure to add variety:
10:00 warm up, gradually bringing your HR up to 70%
4 x 4:00 @70%, concentrating on getting your SPM above 80;
-- take 1:00 recovery jogs between each effort
Cool down completely, allowing your HR to gradually get below 70% -- then continue to walk until your HR gets near 50% (should be 3:00-5:00 more)


SWIM 0:45
300 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 Pull
4 x 75 (25 right arm only / 25 left arm only / 25 Swim) w/10 sec rest after each
2 x 600 Swim, alternate (50 @70% / 25 @84-88%)
(ALTERNATE SET: 2 x 450)
300 easy swim

BIKE 0:55
15:00 gearing pyramid, as follows:
-- 2:00 @60% - 3:00 @65% - 4:00 @70% - 6:00 @75%
3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec rest after each set -- do each repeat as
-- 6 x (20 sec one leg, 10 sec transition)
25:00 straight time trial effort @75% intensity
Spin easily @90rpm until your HR is back under 60%, and pedal @80-85rpm until your HR gets closer to 50% before stopping

SWIM 1:00
9 x 100 continuous - rotate (100 Swim - 100 Kick - 100 Pull) - 3 times thru
2 sets of:
300 straight, hold HR around 75% - 30 sec rest after, straight into
3 x 100 w/15 sec rest, HR up to 80-85%, straight into
6 x 50 w/10 sec rest, HR above 85% - extra 1:00 recovery between each set
(ALTERNATE SET: 200 - 2 x 100 - 4 x 50)
200 easy swim

RUN 0:50
You could perform this session at the track or on the open road:
15:00 warm up, as follows:
-- 3:00 below 60% - 5:00 building from 60-70% - 7:00 @70%
30:00 continuous aerobic effort - keeping your HR under 75% at all times, as follows:
-- 1 lap @75% (80-85 SPM)
-- 1/2 lap recovery jog, letting your HR get below 70%, but keeping it above 60% (under 80 SPM ok)
ROAD (setting your watch to 1:00 countdown would make this easier to manage):
-- 1:00 @75% (80-85 SPM), 30 sec recovery jog @60-70% (under 80 SPM ok)
Cool down, gradually bringing your HR back under 60%
Keep walking until your HR gets back under 50%

Friday Complete recovery day -- relax and get ready for the weekend...

BIKE 1:45
20:00 gearing pyramid, getting into it slowly:
-- 3:00 increasing to 60%; 4:00 up to 65%; 6:00 up to 70%; 7:00 @75%
3 x 4:30 VG Set w/30 sec rest in between
-- each VG Set should be as follows, 3 x through:
40 sec in medium gear, @100 rpm;
20 sec in easy gear, @110-115 rpm;
30 sec in hard gear, @90 rpm
Straight (6.2mi / 10km / 20:00) time trial @75% intensity
It should be relatively easy to hold your HR right at this intensity level, holding your cadence at roughly 90 rpm throughout.
3 x (1.0mi / 1.5 km / 3:00) @84% w/30 sec recovery after each
Repeat the (6.2mi / 10km / 20:00) time trial @75% intensity
After the moderately hard speed set your body will likely be "shocked" into a higher HR with the higher levels of lactate, due to the higher amount of oxygen required to process this waste product. Be sure to hold your HR UNDER 75% on this second effort -- this will help demonstrate the adjustments that your body makes when you push it harder in the midst of a longer aerobic effort.
3 x (1.0mi / 1.5 km / 3:00) @84% w/30 sec recovery after each
This will simulate a higher intensity finish to a longer effort.
COOL DOWN completely, gradually reducing your gearing (holding your cadence @90 rpm) until your HR is about 10 beats lower than the 60% intensity level -- continue pedaling at a reduced cadence (80-85 rpm) until your HR is closer to 50%.


RUN 1:10
Get your HR intensity up to 70% gradually, then hold it there for the first 40:00. Then include the following:
3 x 3:00 @75% (80-85 SPM) w/7:00 @70% after each
Cool down a bit after your run, but you should complete your cool down by cycling immediately after your run:

BIKE 0:40
Hold your HR near 75% during the transition from running to cycling; you should be experiencing some familiar "heaviness" as the blood concentration changes to different areas of your large leg muscles.
Continue spinning, holding your cadence @90 rpm; cool down the last 10:00, allowing your HR to gradually come back down below 60%, and closer to 50%, by the end...Great week!

Week Two

Two weeks into training and challenges already. Namely...that this was a difficult time of year to control my schedule.

Fortunately, I have had the ability to keep up with all of the time/distance requirements....I have just been a little flexible about WHEN I do them. For example, 2 days of travelling over Thanksgiving did not give me time to get in full workouts, so I might have bumped something to another day. I have also taken a little liberty with the swimming...mostly because it is done on distance, and I have access to a 50-meter pool sometimes, yet the workouts are done as if you are in a 25-yard pool. But I am still making the distance, even if I am not following the exact workout. I know this kind of give and take is going to have to happen through the Christmas Holidays, but come January 3, I hope to not divert anymore....especially since the distances will get longer and I think making sure I am not over training is a good thing.

Because yours truly has nil in the way of patience. I have to remind myself that this is a 36-week program and I have 7 months and 4 weeks until the race. I do not need to be putting in 12-milers now, and would only hurt myself if I tried. But now that I am on this path....I want to get be able to do it!!!

Below is a sample week from the training program. I have taken a little liberty with the swimming, as I mentioned, but otherwise this is essentially what I am doing....though I think I need to invest in a quality heart-rate monitor. It's my plan though....and so far I am feeling pretty good!

Ultra Distance TrainingWEEK #2 - 2nd Week of Orientation Cycle Swim 2:30 - Bike 3:20 - Run 2:15 -- Total: 8:05

Monday A shorter, easy swim with some additional stroke work to build overall strength and provide some variety.
SWIM 0:30
500 Swim -- Kick every 4th 25
3 x 400 w/20 sec rest between repeats -- hold your HR at or below 75%
- each 400 should be done as follows: 100 Kick, 200 Swim, 100 IM
100 easy, holding perfect technique

Tuesday The bike ride should be done first today; the run can follow either immediately after or later in the day, depending on your schedule.
BIKE 0:50
10:00 easy "gearing pyramid":
Begin in a very easy gear for 4:00, then switch to one gear harder
for 3:00, then 2:00, then 1:00 (10:00 total)
3 x 8:00 @75% intensity w/2:00 @60% intensity after each
COOL DOWN completely, allowing your HR to get back under 60% by the end

RUN 0:35
Keep HR below 65%, and SPM (Strides Per Minute) at 80-90. Work on perfect posture and a relaxed upper body.

SWIM 0:45
200 Swim - 200 Kick - 200 Pull - 200 Swim
-- the second 200 Swim should be done slightly faster than the first
4 x 300 w/20 sec rest between each
#1 & 3 - @60% intensity; #2 & 4 - @75% intensity
-- Keep your stroke count even throughout the set. The idea is to use as few strokes as possible no matter what speed you are going. This will lead to more efficient and faster swimming.

BIKE 0:40
10:00 easy spinning, gradually bringing your HR up to 65%
3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec rest after each set -- do each repeat as
-- 6 x (20 sec one leg, 10 sec transition)
15:00 straight time trial effort @75% intensity
spin easy through the end of the session

SWIM 0:45
800 Swim -- every 4th length choice, rotate through in IM order
-- i.e. 2 x (75 free, 25 fly, 75 free, 25 back, 75 free, 25 breast, 100 free)
8 x 150 w/15 sec rest after each
Hold HR constant at 65%, and try to keep your times even throughout the set. The goal here is to begin to learn a sense of pacing at a particular intensity level.
400 Pull, concentrating on rotating your hips and minimizing the number of strokes per length.
RUN 0:45
15:00 easy jogging, allowing your HR to get up to 60% gradually
20:00 "tempo pyramid" -- (4:00 @70% / 1:00 @60%);
(3:00 @75% / 2:00 @60%); (2:00 @80% / 3:00 @60%);
(1:00 @85% / 4:00 @60%)
Continue cooling down @60% through the end of the run

Friday As with last week, this is an optional additional swim to help you get used to getting back in the water. If you feel like taking a day completely off (especially after working out each of the previous 11!), then fine.
SWIM 0:30
10:00 easy warm up, gradually bringing your HR up to 70%
15:00 continuous swim -- record the total number of lengths that you
are able to complete, for future reference
6 x 50 cool down, w/10 sec rest after each

Saturday Saturday's ride will always be the longest effort of the week. For those who can ride outdoors year-round, it is important to perform the warm up and drills on a regular basis during the pre-season period -- you can finish the ride outdoors if this option is available. In addition, there will be times when the main set will guide you to a more efficient, more effective workout. Use your judgment to ensure that you're getting the desired workout without unnecessary risk of injury or burnout.

BIKE 1:20
15:00 easy spin -- use a gearing pyramid to gradually build to 75%
2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec rest after each;
2 x 4:30 VG Sets w/30 sec rest after each
3 sets of (6:00 @70% - 1:00 @60% - 3:00 @75-80%)
w/3:00 recovery @60% intensity after each set
COOL DOWN, gradually bringing your HR back under 60% by the end

Sunday These two sessions should be done back-to-back, in either order. If you live in a warmer climate and can ride/run outside (or can do both workouts indoors), then put the bike workout first and follow immediately afterward with the run. In colder climates, if you don't have a treadmill available, then go ahead and run first before finishing off with a cool down spin indoors.

BIKE 0:30
Continuous spinning in your small chain ring,
holding your HR between 60-70% throughout

RUN 0:55
This long steady distance (LSD) run will increase in duration over the course of the season. After 5-10:00 of easy jogging to warm up, hold your HR constant at 70-75% throughout this effort.
Cool down completely after these two workouts with some light stretching.

Week One

I am following a 36-week Ironman Training Program. That's right, only 36 weeks until the race!!!

There is a great website for triathletes called and on it I found this training program....and other people who are following it. This will be a great resource. I have already been running and biking, and recently started swimming more regularly. I am excited to be following an actual plan now, and for the countdown to begin!

Below is week one of the plan. The comments are from the coach....not me. But you can get a taste for how it will go....although the time will get longer and longer! I understand that at the height of training you are doing the full ironman distance worth of training over 6 days. Fun!

But I have a plan, I have the desire and I have 36 weeks to go to Survive an Ironman.

Monday We begin easily enough with one short swim. Nothing too crazy here, just allow yourself some time to get used to the water again and be patient with speed.
SWIM 0:30
200 Swim - 2 x 100 Kick -
4 x 50 Choice, w/10 sec rest after each
5 x 200 w/:20 rest, done as follows:
(50 right arm only - 50 swim - 50 left arm only - 50 swim)
2 x (50 Kick/50 Swim)

Tuesday Because the duration of each workout is relatively short today, it is possible to put them in your day together, back-to-back. However, as these durations increase it will be preferable to split these efforts within your day -- the order isn't very important right now, though we will recommend later that you perform the higher intensity bike effort first.

BIKE 0:50
20:00 easy spin using your small chain ring only.
Keep your HR intensity below 65% throughout, holding your cadence to 95-105 rpm.
20:00 time trial, bringing your HR up to 75%
-- stay in the small chain ring & increase your HR by increasing your cadence.
Maintain that intensity throughout this short effort
Spin easily through the final 10:00, allowing your HR to gradually get below 60%

RUN 0:35
Easy reintroduction to running.
Hold good running form throughout,
and keep your upper body relaxed.

Wednesday Today's swim is a standard duration that we will incorporate into most Wednesday schedules. You can schedule this into your day as your situation allows (open swim schedules generally allow for morning swims, which is suggested). The bike effort should be done on your trainer, since it involves some drills and will incorporate very controlled workouts over time.

SWIM 0:45
6 x 150 w/10 sec rest after each -- each 150 is as follows:
(50 Kick - 25 right arm only - 25 left arm only - 50 Swim)
2 x 600 w/30 sec rest in between
-- #1 Swim, #2 Pull
Keep your HR below 65% and hold your stroke count per lap even
300 easy, alternating 50 Choice & 50 Kick
BIKE 0:40
15:00 easy spinning in the small chainring
3 x 3:00 Variable Gearing ("VG") Set
Each one should be done in the following way:
1:20 in medium gear (~90 rpm);
0:40 in easiest gear (100+ rpm);
1:00 in hardest gear (~80 rpm) -- 30 sec recovery spin after each set
Cool down with easy spinning,
bringing your HR back down to 60% by the end

Thursday Thursday's schedules will generally include a longer morning swim and a running session at the track later in the day. The track sessions won't be mandatory until later in the season, once we've established a sufficient aerobic base.

SWIM 0:45
300 Swim
6 x 75 w/10 sec rest after each -- middle 25 choice
1200 Swim, continuous -- every 4th 25, alternate between choice & kicking:
75 free/25 choice, 75 free/25 kick, etc.
5 x (25 kick - 25 right arm only - 25 left arm only - 25 swim) - continuous

RUN 0:45
Spend 15:00 allowing your HR to gradually increase to 65% intensity
Run for 20:00 @75% intensity, holding perfect running form
Cool down to the 45:00 mark, gradually bringing your HR back down below 60%

Friday This is an optional additional swim that we are incorporating into the first two weeks only. In the future you'll notice that Friday is reserved for complete recovery before the heavy training normally scheduled for the weekends.
SWIM 0:30

200 Swim - 150 Kick - 150 Pull
18 x 50 w/10 sec rest after each -- alternate in groups of three:
(#1: Kick - #2: Swim - #3: Choice) -- rotate through 6x
keep your HR under 75% the entire set
200 relaxed swim, concentrate on holding proper technique

Saturday Saturday's schedules will almost always include the longest cycling session of the week. This will be performed outdoors when it gets warmer (for those of us stuck in the colder climates, that is!). During the indoor riding season, these sessions can be shorter because they will also be more efficient -- no stopping for stop lights, very controllable terrain, etc. We will also begin to incorporate a short run after this ride once the weekly training durations get a bit longer.
BIKE 1:20
15:00 light spinning, gradually allowing your HR to get above 65%
DRILLS: -- 1:00 recovery spinning after each
alternate an ILT set with a VG set -- keep your HR under 75% throughout:
3 x 3:00 Isolated Leg Training:
(20 sec right leg, 10 sec transition, 20 sec left leg, 10 sec transition) -- 3 x thru
3 x 4:30 Variable Gearing set:
each set is done in the following way, twice through per set:
45 sec in moderate gearing @90-95 rpm;
45 sec in easy gearing @105+ rpm;
45 sec in harder gearing @80-85 rpm
20:00 steady time trial riding, holding your HR right at 75% throughout
Cool down to the finish, allowing your HR to gradually come back below 60%. After performing the drills you should notice a smoother, more fluid pedal cycle.

Sunday Sunday's focus is generally on the run; we incorporate an additional ride to increase the total aerobic effort while minimizing the stress on your legs. In the colder months, the run should always be performed first & the cycling shortly thereafter.

RUN 0:55
Steady endurance run, holding proper form and holding your HR under 75% the entire time. Think of this as an aerobic tempo run.

BIKE 0:30
Easy, continual spinning on your trainer, immediately following your run.
You will probably begin this effort at a relatively high intensity, though you should hold your HR at or below 75% throughout. Be sure to allow 10-15:00 at the end for a long, gradual cool down, allowing your HR to get below 60% before you finish.



My name is AJ...and I have lost my mind. Hopefully, at the stroke of midnight October 31 (Halloween, appropriate that I should be scared) I will register for an Ironman Triathlon.

I want to begin by losing some of the extra pounds of fat I have. So from October 12 (date of this post) though Thanksgiving, the focus is on shedding some of the pounds and focusing on weightlifting, which will fall off once I get started into the endurance portion of the training.

I got a recommendation of as a resource and I found on it a 36-week training program that I will be attempting, which will begin just after Thanksgiving.

I have not told my family yet...other than to ask my husband if he is going to be supportive. He has always been supportive of my little pursuits, but I have been trying to impress upon him the time commitment (on my part) that this will involve and, honestly, I am not sure he truly comprehends it. But he says he is supportive and I know even if he is not sure exactly what he is getting into...I firmly believe he will be just what I need as my cheerleader all the way through. I am very lucky to have such support, even if he shakes his head in humerous disbelief at some of the things I attempt to do. I am very lucky to have a husband I know will be there when I need him. I am sure there will be nights I want to quit.

The event I am doing (hoping to do) opens for registration Nov. 1. These events do tend to fill rapidly, so I guess I cannot officially say that I am doing one next year until the point at which I have a confirmed slot. But this is my intention and just the thought of it excites me.

Doing an Ironman has long been a goal of mine. I used to live in Florida and did a series of tri's there, and then when I moved to DC, I got into adventure racing. The obstacle to the ironman was 2 fold - finishing a marathon (running will be my weakest leg by far and it scared me to think I could not finish one) and then actual training time. I 'finished' a marathon a few years ago, but then lacked the training time. But now, here at the age of 36, I have a job that has the flexibility for me to train to try my first (and probably only) ironman.

So anyway, I hope to be 4 pounds lighter by the time I register, and 10 pounds lighter when I start the program.

Come along for my journey...and see if I survive.