Sunday, February 8, 2009

Holy Cow - almost 1/3 done!!!

Admission time....the fact that this is week 12 - 1/3 the way through this program - makes me initially a little excited...but then mostly scared. Am I ready? Am I on track? Is there enough time left to really be fully trained?


We're headed to Orlando next weekend, so I will be slightly altering the schedule in order to accomodate and not miss. I am also going to throw in a little yoga since I have the opportunity at work to do it for free once a week for the next 6 weeks. Looking forward to the stretching!!!

Week 12
Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #12 Swim 2:30 - Bike 5:15 - Run 3:30 -- Total: 11:15

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 2 x (100 Swim - 100 Kick - 100 Pull) - continuous (600 total) 8 x 75 (50 Swim - 25 Choice) w/10 sec rest (ALTERNATE SET: 4 x 75 Swim) MAIN SET 1000 continuous swim, hold steady pace throughout (roughly 75%) (ALTERNATE SET: 800 Swim) COOL DOWN 4 x 50 w/10, keeping your HR @60% throughout DAILY TOTAL: 0:45

BIKE 1:20 WARM UP 12:00 easy spinning, gradually working up to 65-70% MAIN SET 3 x (5mi / 8km / 14:00) @75% -- begin one aerobic interval every 15:00 (roughly 1:00 recovery, @60-70%) -- Remember: if you reach the recommended 14:00 before you reach the suggested distance, then stop at the 14:00 mark. COOL DOWN continue spinning @90-95rpm, bringing your HR under 60% by the end.

RUN 0:40 15:00 warm up jog, gradually bringing the intensity up to 65-70% Stride Drills: 4 x "250 Strides" on 5:00 interval (This means to begin each one, every five minutes.) Focus on increasing the speed of your leg turnover while forcing your HR to stay under 75% the entire time. Cool down completely, bringing your HR back down to 60% by the end.



SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 300 Pull (ALTERNATE SET: 300 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 Pull) Intermediate Set: 8 x 50 (25 easy / 25 fast) w/10 sec rest MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! This set is the same distance as previous target sets, but it is broken up into slightly larger "pieces". You should be able to maintain the same (or faster!) pace for this set than you did previously. Remember your times, take notes, and look for measured improvement. 10 x 150 @race pace (85+%) w/15 sec rest between each -- keep track of your total time (add up the time for each of the 150's) and record the average pace per 100 in your log book for future reference. You should begin to see improvement over previous target sets (1, 2, or several seconds per 100). (ALTERNATE SET: 8 x 150) COOL DOWN 100 Swim - 75 Kick - 50 Swim - 25 Kick -- all @60%

BIKE 1:05 WARM UP 18:00 Gearing Pyramid: 3:00 in easiest gear, 4:00 in next gear, then 5:00, finishing with 6:00. -- your HR should be @70% during the final 6:00 DRILLS 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) 3 x 4:30 Variable Gearing set w/30 sec recovery -- every repeat should be as follows: 3 x thru the following: 40 sec in "medium" gear; 20 sec in "easy" gear; 30 sec in "hard" gear 15:00 aerobic spin @75% -- this will provide a little aerobic activity to finish off this session COOL DOWN Continue spinning @90rpm for the final 7-8:00, bringing your HR back under 60% by the end. DAILY TOTAL: 2:05 WEEK-TO-DATE: 4:50

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 600 easy swim -- gradually build to 75% by the end MAIN SET 2 x 800 w/30 sec rest in between #1 @75% #2 @80-84% -- you can Pull this one if you want to COOL DOWN 4 x 50 w/10, bringing the intensity back down to 60%

RUN 0:50 This is intended to be done at your local track -- durations have been included in case you have to run out on the road instead. 10:00 warm up jog 3 x 2400 (12:00) @75% w/800 (3:00) @60-70% in between Continue jogging, cooling down to 60% before stopping. DAILY TOTAL: 1:35 WEEK-TO-DATE: 6:25

Friday Big rest day, as usual.

Saturday BIKE 2:05 WARM UP 18:00 Gearing Pyramid: 3:00 in easiest gear, 4:00 in next gear, then 5:00, finishing with 6:00. -- your HR should be @70% during the final 6:00 DRILLS 2 x 4:30 Variable Gearing set w/30 sec recovery -- every repeat should be as follows: 3 x thru the following: 40 sec in "medium" gear; 20 sec in "easy" gear; 30 sec in "hard" gear MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! 2 x (11.2 miles / 18km / 33:00) @75% w/2:00 recovery @60-70% intensity -- straight into 1 x (5.6 miles / 9km / 17:00) @75% -- make sure that you keep your HR under control for both repeats, and record both times (and average HR, if possible) for future reference. Note: This is 25% of a complete Ironman bike ride, held at 75% intensity. Not too bad, right? COOL DOWN Continue spinning, bringing your HR back under 60% before finishing. Hold your cadence at 90+ rpm throughout.

RUN 0:35 This is a steady aerobic effort to finish off your day -- do a quick transition after your ride and get on the run right away. Keep your HR under 75% throughout, and finish with 2-3:00 of walking to bring the intensity under 50% before stopping.


Sunday RUN 1:25 Steady aerobic effort, making sure to hold proper running form. Keep your HR under 75% the entire time.

BIKE 0:45 Easy spin, just a rejuvenating continuation of your run. Don't let your HR get above 70%, and bring it down gradually to 60% with 5:00 remaining. Finish with 2-3 min @50% or slightly below. Here's some structure that can help pass the time: Begin with 25:00 @75%, in a fairly challenging gear -- you should start out with a cadence of 80-84, and as your legs adjust to the transition from the run this will naturally increase to the mid-90's (if it doesn't, switch to an easier gear). Reduce the gearing for the next 12:30, holding 60-70%, and finish up with 7:30 of easy spinning @50-60%.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

It's all a matter of perspective in Week 11

I learned something last weekend. When you bike for 2:30, running :40 suddenly seems like no big deal. Let's pray that translates into the thinking that 26.2 miles of running is NOTHING compared with 116 miles biking. HA!

I have been thinking recently that Ironman training is boring, but I found an excellent way to combat some of that.....Meet Up ( I found the Santa Monica Running Group and did my first run with them this morning. Wow is 8 miles so much more nice when you're engaged in conversation and not just checking your watch or the mileage. As an added bonus, it's possible to find other people who are doing/have done the event you are training for. I am getting great advice on the Vineman, and it will be so, so, so helpful.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) they run on Sunday mornings which, while ideal for my training, is not ideal for my Saturday night fun (and corresponding recovery time). Sadly for Richard, I think the Sunday morning runs need to win for the next 25 weeks.

Here's my training docket for week 11:

Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #11 Swim 2:30 - Bike 6:25 - Run 4:15 -- Total: 13:10 This is the long, steady distance week, so please don't mistaken the long durations as being full of hard work. The idea here, as it was in the third week for the first two cycles, is to build endurance through controlled aerobic effort. SO TAKE IT EASY OUT THERE THIS WEEK! Next week, of course, is another story....

Monday SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 2 x (200 Swim - 100 Kick) MAIN SET 2 sets of (3 x 300 w/20 sec in between) w/60 sec in between sets Each set should be - #1 @65%, focusing on reducing your stroke count - #2 @70-75%, holding same stroke count - #3 @80%, should be fastest & stroke count should remain equal to #1 & 2 (ALERNATE SET: 2 sets of 3 x 200) COOL DOWN 4 x 75 easy w/10 sec rest - bring your HR back down under 60% by the end

BIKE 0:40 This is an additional session to add some bulk to this week's cycling total. Use it as a pure aerobic effort that will also aid in your recovery. 15:00 warm up, as follows: -- 5:00 in relatively easy gear, getting up to 60-65% (90-95rpm) -- 10:00 in moderate gear, staying between 65-70% (90-95rpm) Straight into: -- 15:00 in next highest gear, holding it right @75% (88-92rpm) Finish with: -- 7:30 in moderate gear, staying between 65-70% (95rpm) -- 2:30 in easy gear, bringing it back under 60% (85-90rpm) DAILY TOTAL: 1:25

BIKE 1:15 WARM UP 12:00 easy spin (90-95 rpm), gradually getting up to 70% INTERMEDIATE SET 4 x 15 sec fast spin (105-110+ rpm) w/45 sec spin @90 rpm after each spin for 3:00 before starting main set... MAIN SET Remember here: Long, Steady Distance! Also, reread the questions regarding Interval Workout Instructions and Aerobic Interval Guidelines 3 x (5.0mi / 8km / 14:00) @75% w/1:00 recovery spin @60% COOL DOWN Bring down your HR gradually, finishing @60% by the end.

RUN 0:45 15:00 warm up jog, gradually bringing the intensity up to 65-70% Stride Drills: 4 x "250 strides" on 5:00 interval (This means to begin each one, every five minutes.) Focus on increasing the speed of your leg turnover while forcing your HR to stay under 75% the entire time. Cool down completely, bringing your HR back down to 60% by the end. DAILY TOTAL: 2:00 WEEK-TO-DATE: 3:25

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 400 Swim 12 x 25 w/10 sec -- alternate (Swim - Kick - Choice) MAIN SET 1500 straight swim @75-80% -- should feel slightly slower than race pace -- concentrate on minimizing your strokes per length (ALTERNATE SWIM: 1200 straight) COOL DOWN 200 Swim

BIKE 1:00 WARM UP 20:00 warm up spin, as follows: -- 3:00 in easiest gear @60-65% / 95 rpm -- 5:00 in next harder gear @65-70% / 90-95 rpm -- 5:00 in next harder gear @70% / 90 rpm -- 7:00 in next harder gear @75% / 88-90 rpm DRILLS 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) 3 x 4:30 Variable Gearing set w/30 sec recovery -- every repeat should be as follows: 3 x thru the following: 40 sec in "medium" gear; 20 sec in "easy" gear; 30 sec in "hard" gear 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each COOL DOWN 10:00 cool down spin, use your gearing to hold your cadence between 85-90 rpm, and bring your HR down under 60% by the end. DAILY TOTAL: 1:45 WEEK-TO-DATE: 5:10

SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 800 Swim, Kicking every 4th length (3 lengths Swim, 1 length Kick, continuous) MAIN SET 1000 Loco Swim -- let your HR get above 80% on the fast lengths (ALTERNATE SET: 800 Loco) rest 60 sec before continuing with: 6 x (100 @85% - 50 easy) - continuous (900 total) (ALTERNATE SET: 4 x (100 @85% - 50 easy)) COOL DOWN 6 x 50 @60% w/10 sec rest after each

RUN 1:05 This session is designed to be done at the track. The durations are included in case you don't have access to a track. WARM UP 15:00 steady warm up jog, between 60-65% MAIN SET Be sure to hold you HR in control throughout this set: 4 x 1 mile (1600m / 7:30) @75% w/400m (1:30) after each COOL DOWN Continue jogging for 5-8:00, bringing your HR back close to 60%. Finish with 2-3:00 of walking, lowering your HR below 50% before stopping. DAILY TOTAL: 2:05 WEEK-TO-DATE: 7:15

Friday - Rest Day

BIKE 2:30 Sure, this is a long workout. Of course, it's less than half the time you'll be riding in your big Ironman-distance race later this year! Yeah, yeah, yeah, that'll be outside, full of volunteers, and exciting...but you've got to do it now, to do it right then. Have a good time with it! WARM UP 20:00 warm up spin, easing into your long ride by slowly bringing your intensity up to 70% DRILLS (30:00 total) 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) 3 x 4:30 Variable Gearing set w/30 sec recovery -- every repeat should be as follows: 3 x thru the following: 40 sec in "medium" gear; 20 sec in "easy" gear; 30 sec in "hard" gear 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! This is a longer big target set, and will be used to track your aerobic conditioning at this point. This "Descending Ironman" set adds up to exactly 25% of the overall Ironman distance. Start your watch at the beginning of your first interval, and check your split times at the end of each segment. Your HR should be constant @75% during the intervals, and can drop to 60% (no lower) during the recovery periods. (11.2 miles / 18km / 33:00) @75% -- recover to 36 min mark @60% (8.4 miles / 13.5km / 24:00) @75% -- recover to 1:03 mark @60% (5.6 miles / 9km / 16:30) @75% -- recover to 1:21 mark @60% (2.8 miles / 4.5km / 9:00) @75% -- recover to 1:35 mark @60% COOL DOWN Continue spinning @70-75% until the 2:40 mark (about 15:00)

RUN 0:45 Transition quickly to your running gear and begin running as soon as possible. You should be able to quickly bring your HR up to 75% -- hold it there for the bulk of this run (either inside, if it's freezing out, or on a treadmill). You should ease down your intensity level to 60% at the end, with an additional few minutes of walking to bring your day to closure. Great job! DAILY TOTAL: 3:15 WEEK-TO-DATE: 10:30

Sunday RUN 1:40 It's been four weeks since your last aerobic running test, which makes it the perfect time to measure your progress. In addition to gauging your relative aerobic fitness, these "test runs" also give you an opportunity to test any new pre-race preparations (eating/drinking strategies) as well as any new equipment. Have fun with it & enjoy the challenge! WARM UP 20 min. warm up jog, gradually getting your HR up to 60% & holding it between 60-70% throughout. INTERMEDIATE SET 4 x 30 sec @75% w/60 sec @60-70% after each Your HR should now be settled in near 75% and ready for the test: Big Target: 4-Mile (6.5 km) MAF Test You'll notice that the distance for this big target has been slightly increased since the last one, and we will be gradually building this up to 6 miles (10km) over the next few months to better test your aerobic strength over longer distances. Be sure to hold your HR right at 75% throughout the test run -- no more! -- and make sure to record your time. Continue with a 40 min. endurance run @70%, either at the track or out on the road. This will add additional aerobic work to today's longer effort. Be sure to cool down completely, walking the final 2-3:00 to get your HR under 50% before stopping.

BIKE 1:00 This is a continuation of your run, designed to extend the aerobic benefit while relieving your legs from the run's pounding stress. Begin as soon after the run as possible. 10:00 warm up spin 2 x (6.2mi / 10km / 18:00) @75% w/2:00 recovery after each 10:00 cool down DAILY TOTAL: 2:40 WEEK-TO-DATE: 13:10

6 months to go!!!!