Sunday, October 12, 2008


My name is AJ...and I have lost my mind. Hopefully, at the stroke of midnight October 31 (Halloween, appropriate that I should be scared) I will register for an Ironman Triathlon.

I want to begin by losing some of the extra pounds of fat I have. So from October 12 (date of this post) though Thanksgiving, the focus is on shedding some of the pounds and focusing on weightlifting, which will fall off once I get started into the endurance portion of the training.

I got a recommendation of as a resource and I found on it a 36-week training program that I will be attempting, which will begin just after Thanksgiving.

I have not told my family yet...other than to ask my husband if he is going to be supportive. He has always been supportive of my little pursuits, but I have been trying to impress upon him the time commitment (on my part) that this will involve and, honestly, I am not sure he truly comprehends it. But he says he is supportive and I know even if he is not sure exactly what he is getting into...I firmly believe he will be just what I need as my cheerleader all the way through. I am very lucky to have such support, even if he shakes his head in humerous disbelief at some of the things I attempt to do. I am very lucky to have a husband I know will be there when I need him. I am sure there will be nights I want to quit.

The event I am doing (hoping to do) opens for registration Nov. 1. These events do tend to fill rapidly, so I guess I cannot officially say that I am doing one next year until the point at which I have a confirmed slot. But this is my intention and just the thought of it excites me.

Doing an Ironman has long been a goal of mine. I used to live in Florida and did a series of tri's there, and then when I moved to DC, I got into adventure racing. The obstacle to the ironman was 2 fold - finishing a marathon (running will be my weakest leg by far and it scared me to think I could not finish one) and then actual training time. I 'finished' a marathon a few years ago, but then lacked the training time. But now, here at the age of 36, I have a job that has the flexibility for me to train to try my first (and probably only) ironman.

So anyway, I hope to be 4 pounds lighter by the time I register, and 10 pounds lighter when I start the program.

Come along for my journey...and see if I survive.


Kylie said...

oh and I did find your blog through your trifuel post... hope you don't mind if I read it and follow along :)

Mine is at if you are interested. There is a Vineman race report from 2006 somewhere there, I can get you a link if you want to see some experiences of that race.

Theresa said...

AJ, you're so awesome! I can't wait to keep up with your training. Hopefully I'll have an Ironman blog of my own in the next couple of years...