Thursday, October 30, 2008

Started running again, thought about running away

I started running again today after a 20-day layoff in an effort to give my knees a rest before I start the intense training. For some reason, in the middle of the run, I was thinking about registering for the race this weekend and I started to freak out....

For the last month I have been telling people that I am thinking of doing an Ironman. I identified the race, I found a training program, I drilled into DHs head what this was going to be like for him, I invited my brother to register with's something I have been dreaming about doing for 15 years.

The registration opens Sunday and I know a lot of these races fill up fast so I need to pull the trigger.

Next August is SO far away. What if I get hurt? What if I get to the longer mileage in June and my knees start killing me? (No, I've never had problems before other than the occasional injury, but I am starting to freak out.) Sure, I have done triathlons before. I finished a marathon. I've done adventure races that took me nine hours....but still. This is an Ironman distance race.

And I'm 36, will be 37 for the race. Am I completely nuts???

I know this is just last minute jitters before actually commiting. I have been so excited all just hit me today that in 2 days I have to make the commitment and in one month the training program seriously starts.

I won't run away.....really.....


Kylie said...

You will be fine :) You have plenty of time to train, and the course at Vineman is beautiful.

Also, don't stress too much about registering for that one -- it stays open for a while since it is not an "Ironman" (ie put on by the Ironman corporation) -- instead it is an "iron-distance" so cheaper and fills slower.

Our tri club (Inland Inferno here in southern CA) has a bunch of people going so that we can take advantage of the buy-2-get-one-free race entries -- if your brother in law does it you should look into doing something like that since it makes it even cheaper. Or you could always join our club and get the deal that way ;)

Oh, and welcome to California!

Diana said...

In the words of Nike, JUST DO IT! It is inspiring you and moving you toward several things you really want: fitness, a tight bod, esteemed athletic status ... If you get hurt or something big comes up, we'll comfort you and encourage you to sign up for another one if you can.

I'm so excited for you! Plus, I'm looking forward to reading about your training so when I want to sit my lazy butt on the couch and eat Cheetohs, I will think, "Damn, AJ's running x miles again this weekend. I guess I can at least go do a Turbo Jam DVD ..."