Thursday, April 30, 2009

Week 23 - Getting a Confidence Boost

On Wednesday, I ignored the program and swam a mile and a half straight in the pool. 2500 yards. 100 lengths.

And I did it in under 40 minutes.

Now, admittedly, swimming is the part I expect to be my best leg. I swam competitively for 8 years....I was not too shabby...and distance swimming was my thing. But I have started to become very scared about the other two legs. Part of it is my speed, or decided lack thereof. The 36-week training program I am doing is based on time - run for 1 hour, bike for 2 hours, etc. only the swim is prescribed distances. What makes me nervous about that is that someone who training at 8:30 minute miles will go quite a bit farther in an hour than me and my 10 minute miles...and obviously the longer the time the greater my deficit. I fear that while I will be able to run 4 hours by the end of this, that will not be enough for me to finish the run leg. So....I am adding time to the currently prescribed runs.

This weekend is the first big brick...all three sports in one workout. I am looking forward to it. I hope it gives me more of a confidence boost.

I have also signed up for 2 Olympic-distance tris in June, which will get me back in the racing mindset and give me a good chance to practice my transitions.

13 more weeks, let's hope it's my lucky number!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Week Twenty-Two

This was one of my better weeks of training, and one of the first I am really working on mid-workout eating to try to figure out my race fuel plan. So far POM bars, apples and grapes are a good part of the plan.

It got hot here this weekend, and hydrating was a huge challenge. I had a 3-hour bike today, took 3 water bottles (2 water, one Gatorade) and finished them all before I was done. Need to be more careful about that. I think my challenge was being outside all day yesterday at the Long Beach Grand Prix. It was hot and we were drinking (POM Mojitos!). I needed a lot more water.

I am still not feeling confident, but this weekend's sessions helped significantly. I need to keep sticking exactly to the training plan, that will help too.

Here's a taste of the week:

Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #22 Swim 2:30 - Bike 6:45 - Run 4:00 -- Total: 13:15

SWIM 0:45
WARM UP 2 sets of: 100 Swim - 100 Kick - 100 Pull -- 2nd set should be slightly faster MAIN SET 8 x 200 w/20 sec recovery (Alternate set: 5 x 200) -- each 200 should be done as 100 @75% / 100 @80-85% COOL DOWN 100 Swim - 100 Kick - 100 Pull - 100 Swim DAILY TOTAL: 0:45

BIKE 1:40
WARM UP 10:00 easy spin, gradually increase effort to 65% INTERMEDIATE SET 5 x (20 sec spin @110+ rpm / 40 sec @90 rpm) -- then spin easy for 2:00 MAIN SET Descending intervals: 2 x (6.2mi / 10km / 15:00) hold right @75% -- 3:00 recovery spin (5.0mi / 8km / 14:00) increase to 80-85% -- 4:00 recovery spin (3.1mi / 5km / 10:00) @85+% -- go straight into cool down COOL DOWN spin easy @85 rpm, bringing your HR back under 60% by the end

RUN 1:00
Give yourself about 20:00 to get into it, letting your HR rise gradually to 65-70% 30:00 tempo run -- challenge yourself here: it should feel pretty tough, but definitely short of that '"race pace" tightness and exhaustion. Your HR should stay above 80%, but should also remain below 85% throughout the effort. Cool down completely, allowing your HR to come down gradually. It's important that you recuperate properly to leave yourself ready to attack the remainder of the week.

SWIM 1:00
WARM UP 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 200 IM Intermediate Set: 8 x 50 (25 easy / 25 fast) w/10 sec rest (ALTERNATE SET: 6 x 50) MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! Today's big target is the same duration as the previous ones, but the durations are mixed up to provide some variety and to help you keep your focus throughout the set. 4 sets of the following, all at race pace (85+%): 200 w/20 sec rest 2 x 100 w/10 sec rest 2 x 50 w/10 sec rest -- NO additional rest in between sets - go straight into the next one. COOL DOWN 6 x 50 easy w/10 sec rest

BIKE 1:20
20:00 warm up spin, gradually bringing your HR up to 70% (no higher) DRILLS 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) MAIN SET Ironman Interval -- exactly 1/10 of an Ironman bike leg (11.2mi / 18km / 33:00) @75% -- record your time for future comparison Cool down spin, holding your HR at 70% at first, then bringing it back down under 60% by the end. It should be relatively easy to keep your HR under control throughout today's easy efforts. DAILY TOTAL: 2:20


SWIM 0:45
WARM UP 300 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 Pull MAIN SET 3 x 400 w/2:00 rest after each #1 @80%, #2 @85+%, #3 @90+% COOL DOWN 16 x 25 IM order w/5 sec rest

RUN 1:15 This workout is particularly suited for running at a track. The time durations are provided for guidance if you don't have access to one. 15:00 warm up jog Intermediate set: 4 x (100m or 20 sec build up / 100m or 40 sec recovery jog) -- no additional rest between sets MAIN SET - BIG TARGET 3 sets of the following: 1 x (800m / 3:00) @80-85% w/(200m / 60 sec) recovery 2 x (400m / 1:30) @85% w/(100m / 30 sec) recovery -- extra (800m / 4:00) recovery jog after each set -- these "broken miles" should add up to your Half-Marathon PR pace per mile, or better! Long cool down jog, continuing to run until your HR returns under 75%, then 70%, then 65%. You should walk the final 2-3:00 to ensure that your HR is back under 100bpm before stopping.

Friday You've had a particularly tough last three days, especially Tuesday's ride & run, Wednesday's swim, and yesterday's track workout. You'll need this day off to regroup before a tough weekend.

BIKE 2:45 Some of you are racing today (Wildflower), and the others should head outdoors if the weather is cooperating. Also, it's perfectly fine to swap Saturday's sessions with Sunday's, which is pretty useful if it's raining on Saturday and the forecast calls for sunny skies the next day -- keep that in mind throughout the warmer months. For those stuck indoors, we've got a tough one lined up for you: WARM UP 20:00 warm up spin, using a gearing pyramid to get into it slowly. DRILLS 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) Aerobic Set: This is designed to add some aerobic "bulk" to today's session -- do it at the suggested intensities, and get ready for the main set. 2 x (11.2mi / 18km / 33:00) @75% with 3:00 @60-70% recovery Intermediate Set: During this set your HR intensity should bridge the gap from 75% up to 84%, getting your body ready for some higher quality, high intensity work. 4 x 20 sec fast spinning (120 rpm) w/40 sec recovery spinning (90 rpm) after each - continuous MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET (6.2mi / 10km / 17:30) @80-85% w/ 3:30 recovery @60-70% 2 x (3.1mi / 5km / 8:30) @85% w/3:30 recovery @60-70% COOL DOWN Continuous spinning until your HR is back under 60%. Adjust your gearing such that your cadence remains at roughly 90 rpm through the end of the session. Good job!

RUN 1:45 30:00 warmup, gradually raising your HR to 75% for the last 10:00 6 x 8:00 tempo run @80% w/2:00 recovery jog Continue jogging, allowing your HR to come back down to 60% before stopping

BIKE 1:00 Get directly on your bike, pedaling with a cadence of 90-95rpm @65% or under throughout


Monday, April 13, 2009

More than half way done

Okay, I've been really bad about keeping up with this. Life has been CRAZY. Which is really a serious lesson about taking on this training. It's tough. It's a huge time commitment. There are a LOT of things that try to interfere with training...especially when you get up over 4 hours of workouts on the weekend. And this seems to be the year of weddings for us, and those weekends make everything even more of a challenge.

To be honest, I don't feel confident in where I am just now. I know I missed a big weekend being out of town at a wedding a few weeks ago and I think it is catching up with me. I can do the endurance, okay, but I am SLOW. Much slower then this program anticipates one being. That it, admittedly, frustrating me.

But, fear is a powerful motivator and I am glad I am feeling this way now, with more than 3 months left to go.....hopefully time to do something about it.

This week's workout plan:

Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #21
Swim 2:30 - Bike 7:05 - Run 4:10 -- Total: 13:45

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 6 x (50 Swim - 50 Kick - 25 Swim) w/10 sec rest after each MAIN SET 2 x 650 Swim w/30 sec rest (Alternate Set: 2 x 500) #1 @70%; #2 @80% -- hold your stroke count even throughout COOL DOWN 3 x 200 Pull @70% (#1), 60-65% (#2), under 60% (#3) -- 20 sec rest after each (Alternate Set: 3 x 100)

BIKE 1:40 WARM UP 20:00 easy spinning, gradually working up to 70% DRILLS 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) MAIN SET 3 x (6.2mi / 10km / 17:30) -- #1 @70-75%; #2 @75%; #3 @80-85% w/3:30 easy spinning @60% & 90rpm after each COOL DOWN Keep spinning, holding your cadence at 85-90rpm and reducing your gearing to bring your HR under 50% by the end

RUN 0:45 10:00 easy jog, gradually bringing your HR up to 60% 10:00 increasing your effort up to 70-75% Stride Drills: 4 x "250 Strides" on 5:00 interval (This means to begin each one, every five minutes.) Focus on increasing the speed of your leg turnover -- really try to get your foot speed going! -- it's ok to let your HR drift up above 80% Cool down completely, bringing your HR back down to 60% by the end.

SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 4 x 200 w/15 sec rest, descending -- #1 very easy, @50% - increase the effort gradually to 70% on #4 Intermediate Set: 8 x 50 (25 easy / 25 fast) w/10 sec rest (Alternate set: 6 x 50) MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! This set is an excellent indication of what your speed would be during a swim from 1500 to 1.2 miles (Half Ironman distance). It should be enlightening to compare today's results to those of four weeks ago... 20 x 100 @race pace (85+%) w/10 sec rest between each (Alternate Set: 16 x 100) -- keep track of your total time and record the average pace per 100 in your log book for future reference. COOL DOWN 6 x 50 w/10 sec rest, bring your HR down under 60% by the end

BIKE 1:15 WARM UP 20:00 Gearing Pyramid: 4:00 in easiest gear, 5:00 in next gear, then 5:00, finishing with 6:00. -- your HR should be @70% during the final 6:00 DRILLS 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) (11.2mi / 18km / 33:00) aerobic spin @75% -- this is exactly 1/10th of the Ironman distance bike -- your pedal stroke should feel more even and smooth after finishing the ILT drills COOL DOWN continue spinning @90rpm, bringing your HR back under 60% by the end.

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 300 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 IM MAIN SET 1000 Loco Swim (Alternate set: 800 - skip one "4/4" in the middle) (1 easy/1 fast, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 4/4, 3/3, 2/2, 1/1) rest 60 seconds 800 Loco Swim (Alternate set: 600 - skip 4/4 in the middle) (1 easy/1 fast, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 3/3, 2/2, 1/1) COOL DOWN 4 x 50 w/10, bringing the intensity back down to 60%

RUN 1:05 This is designed to be done at the track -- the suggested times are included as a guide if you have to run elsewhere. 15:00 warm up jog, bringing your HR up to 70% gradually 2 sets of: 4 x (800m / 3:00) w/400m (2:00) recovery after each -- descend these from #1-4 (70% - 75% - 80% - 85%) -- no additional recovery between sets Continue jogging, reducing your HR down below 60% by the end. Walk two laps around the track before stopping completely. DAILY TOTAL: 1:50 WEEK-TO-DATE: 7:45

Friday - Rest Day

Saturday BIKE 2:50 It's difficult to develop an indoor cycling workout that approaches three hours in length without stetching the bounds of your sanity! Go ahead and perform this ride outdoors if possible, and follow this slightly reduced duration ride if you're stuck indoors. The increased efficiency when riding on a trainer will make up for the reduced "saddle time". WARM UP 20:00 Gearing Pyramid: -- 3:00 getting to 50%, 4:00 up to 60%, 5:00 @60-70%, 8:00 @70% DRILLS These ILT drills are an excellent mechanism for balancing your pedal stroke -- I do them regularly, and it's really helped me get my cycling "feel" back quickly. Even if you're riding outside these days (a good idea), you should take some time before or after your ride to include this drill. 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! 2 x (11.2 miles / 18km / 33:00) @75% w/3:00 recovery @75% intensity -- hold your HR under 75% and hold a cadence of 88-92 rpm throughout -- straight into: 2 x (6.2 miles / 10km / 17:30) @80% w/2:30 recovery @60-70% in between COOL DOWN Continue spinning for at least 20:00 @60-70% -- you're deriving some aerobic benefit as long as you're above 60% -- then bring your HR back under 60% before finishing. Hold your cadence at 90+ rpm throughout, though you can bring it under 85rpm for the final few minutes.

RUN 0:40 This is a steady aerobic effort to finish off your day -- do a quick transition after your ride and get on the run right away. Keep your HR under 75% throughout, and finish with 2-3:00 of walking to bring the intensity under 50% before stopping.

RUN 1:40 15:00 warm up jog, holding your HR under 70% throughout 30:00 "bulk" aerobic run: hold proper running form throughout 2 sets of (5:00 jog @60% between sets): 8 x 1:30 with fast foot speed w/30 sec slower jog after each -- let your HR drift above 80% if necessary to hold the proper cadence Continue running at an aerobic pace (60-70%) through to the end.

BIKE 0:50 Right after your run, either indoors or out on the road (be careful if it's chilly outside -- stay indoors!). Hold your intensity between 60-70%, and maintain a cadence of 85-90rpm. Stay in your small chain ring to reduce stress and improve your recovery. GREAT WEEK! DAILY TOTAL: 2:30 WEEK-TO-DATE: 13:45