Thursday, April 30, 2009

Week 23 - Getting a Confidence Boost

On Wednesday, I ignored the program and swam a mile and a half straight in the pool. 2500 yards. 100 lengths.

And I did it in under 40 minutes.

Now, admittedly, swimming is the part I expect to be my best leg. I swam competitively for 8 years....I was not too shabby...and distance swimming was my thing. But I have started to become very scared about the other two legs. Part of it is my speed, or decided lack thereof. The 36-week training program I am doing is based on time - run for 1 hour, bike for 2 hours, etc. only the swim is prescribed distances. What makes me nervous about that is that someone who training at 8:30 minute miles will go quite a bit farther in an hour than me and my 10 minute miles...and obviously the longer the time the greater my deficit. I fear that while I will be able to run 4 hours by the end of this, that will not be enough for me to finish the run leg. So....I am adding time to the currently prescribed runs.

This weekend is the first big brick...all three sports in one workout. I am looking forward to it. I hope it gives me more of a confidence boost.

I have also signed up for 2 Olympic-distance tris in June, which will get me back in the racing mindset and give me a good chance to practice my transitions.

13 more weeks, let's hope it's my lucky number!

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