Thursday, May 7, 2009

Learning a Lesson the Hard way - R-E-S-T!!!!

I am now under 3 months from an Ironman-distance triathlon. I started a 36-week training program back in November. After significant time building the base, I have gotten into big workouts.

I was pretty good at base building. I missed a few workouts and was not as fast as I want to be, but I was muttling through.

This past weekend was supposed to be the first long "brick" where I was to do all three legs (swim, bike and run) in the same day. Richard and I had planned to go to the San Diego Animal Park this weekend. The animal park would be an all-day thing, so I planned ahead. Normally, the training calls for Friday as the one rest day for the week, LONG workout Saturday with focus on the bike, shorter (but still long) workout Sunday with a focus on the run.

My plan was to move the Sunday workout to Friday because I could fit it in, have Saturday as my 'rest' day at the animal park, and then do the long workout on Sunday. I really think I would have been fine....except.....

The forecast for Saturday around the park called for rain. So late Friday (already several drinks into my evening) we decided to push the animal park to Sunday.

My workout Friday had been pretty good. The run is my weakest part, but I biked for 50 minutes and then ran 1:50 minutes at a pretty good pace. I was actually very proud of myself.
Saturday I was supposed to bike 2:50, run :40 and swim :30. My plan was to bike first, then run to the pool, then swim and run or walk home. My legs were a little sore from Friday, but not screaming.

1:50 into my bike, I got off, got more water, and tried to stretch and, admittedly, rest a little bit. 2:20, I had to stop. My workout was sh!t and I was getting to the point where pushing myself eas risking straining something, I could feel it.

Moral of the story: Rest days are critical. C-R-I-T-I-C-A-L.

Between not being completely rested, having more to drink than I normally would have the night before a workout like that, and not getting a great night's sleep, I completely hit a wall.

And as bad as it was physically for me, it was worse mentally. I was already fatigued and feeling like I could not cut it just ripped me apart and I have not yet fully recovered. I am about to go to the gym for an interval workout to get myself back on the horse. We have a wedding to go to out of town this weekend and I need to switch my workout again...but after more changes. (And even this week, I am taking Thursday to rest in anticipation of the Friday workout.)

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