Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 26 - Strategic resting makes ALL the difference

So hopefully this weekend was the last of my having to screw with my schedule. I was, once again, supposed to take Friday off, then do the longest workout of the week on Saturday (all 3 legs) and a shorter but still long workout on Sunday. Saturday was the wedding, so I did the Saturday workout Friday and the Sunday workout after another rest day Sunday.

I rested Thursday even though I was not supposed to....but I felt SO good in my workout on Friday. Then Sunday....well...I was supposed to run 1:45 but I felt so good and strong, and realized at 1:30 that if I upped the tempo just a little I could make a half-marathon in under 2 hours. So I pushed and I made it. I did a 40-minute bike afterwards and definitely felt fatigued once I got off, but was strong for the most part.

Definitely the lift I needed.

This week:
Tuesday SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 300 Swim - 200 Kick - 300 Pull MAIN SET 30 x 50 w/10 sec rest, as follows: #1-10: gradually descend from 75% to 85% by #10 #11-18: 25 Kick - 25 sprint #19-30: race pace -- each one @90+% COOL DOWN 400 Pull @60-70%

BIKE 1:25 15:00 warm up spin, getting your HR up to 70% by the end DRILLS 3 x 3:00 Isolated Leg Training w/30 sec recovery after each - your HR should be @75% or higher after finishing this set MAIN SET As with last week, use the first repeat to get yourself into that higher intensity AT zone -- this should take less time than it did last week, but will still probably require 6-8:00 of steady riding. Be patient and pace yourself wisely -- remember, there's a second repeat coming up! You should be recording your times, average HR (if possible) and average mph/kph (or average time per mile/km), and you should definitely begin to notice some improvements over time. 2 x 20:00 @84-92% w/10:00 @60-70% after each COOL DOWN Continue spinning, bringing your HR down slowly until it's under 50% by the end DAILY TOTAL: 2:10

The primary focus on Wednesday is to include some high quality, lower intensity aerobic work. You'll notice that you are instructed to keep your HR below 75% throughout the day -- make sure that you are sparing your body after yesterday's hard ride and before tomorrow's hard run. RUN 1:10 10:00 warm up jog -- hold your HR under 70% 3 x 10:00 tempo runs @70-75% intensity w/2:00 @60-70% after each 6 x 20 sec strides w/1:10 easy jog after each Bring your HR back down gradually, to 60% with 5:00 remaining down to 50% by the end.

BIKE 1:40 WARM UP 20:00 spinning @90-95rpm - use a gearing pyramid to get into it slowly. DRILLS 3 x 3:00 Isolated Leg Training w/30 sec recovery after each MAIN SET Reality check: Make sure that you keep the intensity under control here! 3 x 16:00 @75% w/4:00 @60-70% after each COOL DOWN Finish with an easy spin in your small chain ring @90-95rpm, allowing your HR to return to 50% for the final few minutes. DAILY TOTAL: 2:50

SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 400 Swim - 300 Pull - 200 IM - 100 Kick MAIN SET 2 sets of the following: 350 @75% 300 @80% 250 @85+% Swim the first set, Pull (Paddles ok) the second set COOL DOWN 6 x 50 easy w/10 sec rest

RUN 1:00 This is designed to be done at the track at higher intensities. If you are out on the road instead, make sure that you follow the suggested time intervals and intensities closely. 15:00 jog, getting your HR up to 65% by the end -- straight into 4 x In & Out repeats (100 / 20 sec) This set contains a larger number of smaller repeats -- the idea is to retain good running form in short bursts, and keeping your HR in the desired intensity range throughout the set. Get psyched and go get 'em! You'll notice that it will take 2-3 repeats to elevate your HR to the desired zone, but this is exactly what you experience in a "straight" road race. Pace yourself accordingly, elevate your HR into the desired zone in a controlled fashion, and keep it up throughout this 5-mile set. 10 x (600 / 2:00) @84-92% w/(200 / 1:00) easy jog after each Jog easy -- keep going until your HR is under 60%, then walk an additional 2-3:00 to help accelerate your recovery.

Friday SWIM 0:45 WARM UP - 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 2 x 100 IM -- continuous DRILLS 12 x (50 Side Kick - 25 Swim) w/10 sec rest after each - remember to take three strokes when you switch from one side to the other COOL DOWN - 600 Swim - keep your HR under 70%, lowering the intensity to 60% by the end DAILY TOTAL: 0:45

BIKE 3:25
RUN 0:50 Put in a fast transition and get on the road right away. Your HR should be elevated above 75% quickly -- just keep it below 85%. Hold it in this range for the first 30:00, then cool down completely by the end.

SWIM 0:30 400 Swim 8 x 75 (first 25 Kick) w/10 sec rest -- keep your HR below 65% 600 Pull @60-70% DAILY TOTAL: 4:45

RUN 1:45 This run is broken into shorter tempo runs to help you develop a sense of pace for a longer run. Concentrate on holding proper running form throughout -- efficiency is key! 20:00 easy jog, bringing your HR up to 70% by the end 3 x 20:00 steady tempo run @75% w/5:00 @60-70% after each Continue jogging @60% or below through to the end

BIKE 1:00 Immediately after the run, if possible. Total recovery spin holding your intensity below 65% & @90-95rpm DAILY TOTAL: 2:45 WEEK-TO-DATE: 15:15

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