Sunday, November 2, 2008

Building the base

The training program I am following will begin the end of November, but I need to shore up my base. I do run and bike now, mixed with weight lifting and other cardio such as the ellptical and rowing. This is been mostly in an effort to lose weight....I need to lower my BMI and I wanted to shed more of the excess before I started training.

I was highly motivated by the simple act of registration and starting the countdown. The 'extra' hour from the end of Daylight Savings helped too.....I got up early and got moving. I hope to make the early mornings more of a habit than they have been. I was always a morning person and love being a morning person....but I married a night owl who works late. Spending time with him (just having dinner with him) means staying up later than I used to, and is a challenge to my body's natural timing. But this is a change that needs to be made for the next several months. Then I can go back to watching The Daily Show every night.

Today's training: 4.5 miles run (split, to gym and back), 20 minutes upper body weights (chest, biceps and triceps), 7 miles on stationary bike (26:30 minutes).

8 months, 3 weeks and 2 days until the Vineman.

1 comment:

ba said...


Just saw one of your posts on the H&F board, and I had to come check out your blog.

Isn't it amazing what registering does for you!?! Which race are you doing? One in Washington?

Can't wait to follow your journey!