Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fear is a Powerful Motivator

When I did my marathon in 2002, I did not tell many people. I did not want anyone to come watch me. And when it was over and I sat in the medical tent all by myself, rode the metro home all by myself, and sat on my couch, alone, icing my knee and kind of wishing I had someone to bring me champagne.

On the day of the Vineman, my husband will be on the course (at least in between the wine tastings he can do along the route). My mom is coming to watch me, and she is bringing 2 friends...and while they may also enjoy some wine tasting...they will be there too. I really, really have to follow through with this and finish the race. I have to make sure I train properly to complete this race. The fear of not doing that has me absolutely commited to the training program....which starts Monday.

I have a long way to go and a lot to learn....but I am absorbing all the information I can....out of fear. And when I workout, I think about what I have commited to doing, and I have noticed a decided uptick in my effort. It's fear.

My goal is just to finish....but just finishing is no easy task...and that fear will chase me all through the next 8 months....driving me to do this right.

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