Friday, November 14, 2008

Me = S-L-O-W

Now that my trip home to DC is over, I am eyeing the calendar for the start date to my formal training plan.

Yesterday was a great weight lifting day. I do cardio weightlifting with combo moves to get my heart rate up and work a lot more muscles in the time that I have. I know this is going to be the area that suffers when I get into the longer workouts, so I am focusing on that now. Hopefully, with the combo moves making for shorter sessions, this will be easier to keep up longer into the program.

Today I tried to do HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training. Essentially, you warm-up then alternate sprinting and jogging for 30 seconds at a time. And what I discovered is that I am, in fact, not fast. The difference between my jogging and my 'sprints' (I use that term oh-so-lightly) is might not be able to tell at all except I breath a lot harder. I need to review my program and see if there are places that incorporate speed workouts....then I need to go buy some speed. Or ask Santa for some for Christmas.

After 10 minutes of my version of HIIT, I went to the gym and did it on the bike. I can actually sprint on a stationary that was really good. And I sweat like crazy!

A fabulous peice of news has me uber inspired mom, and possibly 2 of her friends, are heading out to support me in the race. (They live in Florida.) My mom has coached me through so many different sports throughout the years....having her there will be really really helpful.

8 months, 2 weeks, 4 days until the race. Whoo hooo!

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