Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Gambling on Vegas - Week Nine

We were in Vegas for the holiday weekend and I was supposed to bike and run on Saturday. I only biked...on a mountain bike out in Red Rock Canyon...a little different from the prescribed workout. But it was fabulous!

On Sunday I was supposed to run 1:15. My goal was to try to go :45 before my calf stopped me. I had a deep tissue massage appointment for the afternoon, and I was ready to push it.

I am almost afraid to write the words....I was able to very slowly do the entire time with NO PAIN. I cannot believe it. The leg did not even hurt when I got the massage. Today is now my next run of the week....:40 after a 1:10 bike. I hope it goes as well...I would love to feel like I am over this problem.

Here's week 9:
Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #9 - 3rd Week of 2nd Pre-Season Cycle Swim 2:30 - Bike 5:40 - Run 3:45 -- Total: 11:55

Tuesday BIKE 1:10
WARM UP 15:00 Gearing Pyramid, - 3:00 getting to 60% - 5:00 from 60-70% - 7:00 btwn 70-75% MAIN SET Remember here: Long, Steady Distance! Also, reread the questions regarding Interval Workout Instructions and Aerobic Interval Guidelines 3 x (12:00 / 4.0 mi / ~6km) @75% w/3:00 recovery spin @60% after each - optimal cadence here would be 88-92 rpm - those who ride a CompuTrainer should focus on maintaining an even average power output throughout the set COOL DOWN Spin easy at 80-90 rpm, bringing your HR back near 50% before stopping

RUN 0:40 10:00 warm up jog, gradually bringing your HR above 60% 25:00 tempo run, keeping your HR below 75% the entire way 5:00 cool down, bringing your HR under 60% before stopping; walk for an addition 2-3:00 until your HR is back under 100 bpm DAILY TOTAL: 1:50

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 300 Pull (ALTERNATE WARM UP: 300 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 Pull) MAIN SET 14 x 100 @75% w/10 sec rest after each - check your HR after the even numbered repeats (#2, 4, 6, etc.) to make sure that the intensity level is sufficiently low. Also be sure to focus on reducing your stroke count throughout the set. (ALTERNATE SET: 10 x 100) COOL DOWN 200 easy Swim

BIKE 0:50 WARM UP 10:00 easy spin, gradually getting your HR up to 65% MAIN SET 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery spinning in between - each ILT interval should be 6 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition) 10:00 @75% -- note how much distance is covered while keeping your HR under 75% the entire time; 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 -- identical to above 10:00 @75% -- should cover more distance with this second interval, holding HR under 75% COOL DOWN Continue spinning, bringing your HR back well under 60% (closer to 50%) before stopping

SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 800 Swim, Kicking every 4th length (3 lengths Swim, 1 length Kick, continuous) MAIN SET 8 x 250 (middle 50 Choice) w/30 sec rest after each - Descend 1-4 & 5-8 from 60% to 70% to 80% (ALTERNATE SET: 8 x 175, middle 25 Choice) COOL DOWN 6 x 50 @60% w/10 sec rest after each

RUN 0:55 Here we'll be working on increasing your foot speed while remaining in your aerobic training zone. Pay attention to your HR and maintain the 75% limit throughout the session. 10:00 warm up jog, getting up above 65% gradually 8 x 250 strides (should be about 3:15-3:30 range) on 5:00 interval - (This means to start one repeat every 5:00, regardless of when you finished the previous one) - Remember that one "stride" equals two steps - Refer to the FAQ to review proper running form

Friday Total recovery day. These recuperation periods are extremely important to enable your body to strengthen itself & prepare for the challenges ahead. Remember: Gains are not made during periods of stress -- they're only made during periods of recovery.

This is one of the longest (perhaps the longest) cycling sessions we've had so far -- if you try to swallow it all at once you'll choke, so bear with me and let's take it through one segment at a time....

BIKE 2:15 WARM UP 20:00 Gearing Pyramid, as follows: 2:00 in easiest gear (hold 90 rpm), 3:00 in next hardest gear, 4:00 in next, then 5:00, and finally 6:00 @85-90rpm
DRILLS 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery spinning in between - each ILT interval should be 6 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition)
INTERMEDIATE SET Alternate fast spinning (110+ rpm) with easy pedaling (90 rpm or less) as follows: 15 sec fast/15 sec easy; 30 sec fast/30 easy; 45 fast/45 easy 1:00 easy spin before starting the main set (You should be at the 40:00 mark or so by now)
MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! Stick with mileage, unless you go way over the target time; if you do, then adjust the target mileage down such that you can finish the interval in the recommended amount of time. 2 x (33:00 / 11.2mi / 18km) @75% w/2:00 recovery, between 60-70% finish with 1 x (15:00 / 5mi / 8km) - Record your time & average HR for each, as well as your average power output (if you have a CompuTrainer) for future analysis. You might want to have a pen & paper handy before you start this! COOL DOWN 10:00 easy spinning, bringing your HR back down under 60% before stopping

RUN 0:40 This is an extension of today's endurance work, so start it as soon after the cycling as you can. If you start right after biking, then it should be pretty easy to get your HR up above 70%; in any case, keep your HR under 75% throughout the run.

Sunday, 2/2 RUN 1:30
You'll want to do this session at the same place you did the last time (January 5), either on the road or at the track. It's important to be as consistent as possible (run at the same place, the same time of day) to enable you to measure your progress accurately. Warm up with a 10:00 jog, bringing your HR to 60-65%
Intermediate Set: 4 x 15 sec @75% (faster foot speed) w/45 sec recovery jog after each Your HR should be up around 75% and ready to go! Big Target: 3-Mile (5 km) MAF Test Be sure to hold your HR right at 75% throughout the test run -- no more! -- and stop your watch after reaching the three-mile point. Record your time for future comparison -- you should see some improvement over the last time (perhaps 5-10 sec per mile) Continue with a 30:00 endurance run @70%, either at the track or out on the road. This will add additional aerobic work to today's longer effort. Be sure to cool down completely, walking the final 2-3:00 to get your HR under 50% before stopping.

BIKE 0:50 This is the "finale" to your longest week so far...congrats! Spin easily, and don't do anything that might jack your HR up above 75%. The purpose of this ride is to begin your recuperation before next week's challenges, so don't skimp on this...and get ready for next week!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

For the record - Swimming

We were asked to track our times on a set in Wednesday's workout. I did 12 100s with 10 seconds rest inbetween and averaged 1:20 on each (16 minutes total swim time). Not too shabby, I hope. I do not think, however, that it was really an only 85% race pace, which is what I was supposed to be holding....ie, I think it was faster than I could swim the entire race in....but we will see.

This morning I ran. The calf is tight, but I really do think the healing continues.

This weekend will be another slightly off-training weekend as we are going to Vegas. I am taking a bike,....but a mountain bike. So not exactly the prescribed training....but a girl's gotta have some fun!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hopfeully eight is great.

I ran today, 1:10. It was painfully slow, and slowly painful. Not so bad that I stopped, but I know I am going to PAY for this tomorrow. I have iced, sat in the hot tub, taken Advil and will ice again before bed. And tomorrow will be painful.

And I pray I am not doing more damage. Because I am doing my re-hab. I am stretching. I am exercising. I am massaging. And I am so, so, so happy I ran 1:10 today. I know I still have 29 weeks to go....doesn't matter...it bothers me I am not exactly on schedule and able to do the prescribed workouts. I will get there.

Below is a taste of week 8 and my tasks. (Reminder: the notes in the program are from the coach who designed it.) The weekends are starting to get long enough that I am going to have to start eating in my workouts and learning how to do that in the next 3-4 weeks. note to self: Pirate's Booty is not a good pre-run snack.

Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #8 - 2nd Week of 2nd Pre-Season Cycle Swim 2:30 - Bike 4:40 - Run 3:05 -- Total: 10:15

SWIM 0:45
WARM UP 200 Swim - 200 Kick - 200 Pull MAIN SET 2 x 800 w/30 sec rest - #1 @70% intensity, #2 up to 80% (ALTERNATE SET: 2 x 600 w/30 sec rest) - concentrate on keeping your stroke long, rotating your body properly, and minimizing your strokes per length. - #2 should feel like you're in the middle of a long open water swim race, swimming steadily and even, working it but not exhausted COOL DOWN 4 x 50 w/10, keeping your HR @60% throughout

BIKE 1:10
WARM UP 15:00 total spinning, using a gearing pyramid to build the intensity gradually: - 4:00 building up to 60%; - 5:00 between 60-70%; - 6:00 @70% MAIN SET This is an extended aerobic set, meant to boost your aerobic endurance with minimal break-down. Monitor your HR carefully and stick to the suggested intensity guidelines. 5 x 7:30 @75% w/1:30 recovery between 60-70%
COOL DOWN Begin your cool down with the final recovery spin in the main set, and gently bring your HR back down to 60% or under before finishing the session.

RUN 0:35
Follow some structure here, both for variety and to maintain focus on aerobic conditioning. 10:00 warm up, beginning with very light jogging & gradually building your HR up to 60-70% by the end This set will help you work on increasing your foot speed, without letting your HR get any higher than 75%. We'll do this by counting strides -- remember, two steps = one stride -- rather than timing the intervals: 4 x 250 strides (should be around 3:00-3:30) @75% w/2:00 relaxed jogging after each Good job! Now, bring the intensity back down gradually, all the way down to 60%. It would be great to add an additional 3-4:00 of walking afterwards to bring your HR back down to 100 bpm by the end.

SWIM 1:00
Today contains the first of this week's two big target workouts. The duration for this key set is the same as it was two weeks ago -- make a note of your average time per 100 (yards/meters), and compare your progress. There should be some, though slight fatigue/illness could make the difference negligible after only two weeks. Make sure to record your progress for future reference.
WARM UP 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 300 Pull - gradually bring your intensity to around 70% Intermediate set: 6 x 50 w/10 sec rest - do each one as 25 easy / 25 hard MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! 12 x 100 @race pace (85+%) w/10 sec rest between each -- keep track of your total time (add up the time for each of the 100's) and record the average pace per 100 in your log book for future reference. (ALTERNATE SET: 10 x 100)
COOL DOWN 4 x 75 w/10 sec rest, coming down from 75% to 60% by the end

BIKE 1:00
WARM UP 10:00 easy spinning, gradually bringing your HR up to 65-70% MAIN SET 4 x 7:30 @75% w/1:30 easy recovery spinning, - straight into: 1 x 4:00 @84% -- push your intensity to get your HR to "jump" to this next higher level COOL DOWN continue spinning, bringing your HR down from 84% to 60% by the end

SWIM 0:45
WARM UP 400 easy swim, building your HR up to 70% 6 x 50 w/10 sec rest, alternating (60%-70%-80%), 3x thru MAIN SET 2 x 750 w/30 sec rest in between #1 @75% #2 @80-84% -- you can Pull this one if you want to COOL DOWN 4 x 50 w/10, bringing the intensity back down to 60%

RUN 0:45
This main set is similar to Tuesday's, where we focused on counting strides rather than elapsed time for the intervals. Hold your HR within the recommended guidelines (they're higher here than they were on Tues), and focus on increasing your stride count smoothly. 10:00 easy warm up jog 12 x 125 strides (2 steps = 1 stride, should take less than 1:30) w/30 sec recovery jogging in between - #1-4 @75% or below; - #5-12, let your HR jump up to 84% for these shorter intervals Cool down completely after the last interval, bringing your HR back down to 65% before stopping. Continue walking until your HR gets closer to 50%.


Take the day off completely, and focus on using some self-massage to work the lactic acid out of your muscles. You should also increase your water intake here to improve your recuperation.

Today contains the second "big target" set of the week, though this one is designed to be done completely in an aerobic state. This takes some discipline ("But Coach, I can't slow down!"), but it is necessary to improve your aerobic efficiency while avoiding any overtraining.

BIKE 1:50
WARM UP 10:00 easy spin, bringing your HR up to 70% by the end DRILLS 2 x 3:00 Variable Gearing Set w/30 sec recovery after each -- each set should be done as follows: 2 x (40 sec in medium gear, 20 sec in easiest gear, 30 sec in hardest gear) MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! This is designed to provide you with an uninterrupted, high quality aerobic ride. Performing this indoors will help you work very efficiently: No changes in the terrain, no traffic lights or cars to contend with, etc. Of course, there's also little or no scenery, and you'll have to provide your own fresh air -- but discipline here will continue to pay dividends going forward. 2 x (11.2 miles / 18km) @75% w/2:00 recovery @60-70% intensity -- make sure that you keep your HR under control for both repeats, and record both times (and average HR, if possible) for future reference. (Use 33:00 as an interval time if you don't have access to a cyclometer.)
COOL DOWN Spin through a "reverse gearing pyramid" (14:00 total): 5:00 @75-70% - 4:00 @70-65% - 3:00 @65-60% - 2:00 under 60%

RUN 0:30
If you can, put this run in immediately after the bike session. However, DO NOT run outside if it's cold out! If you don't have access to a tread mill, then wait until later in the day to fit this in. Make sure you do, though, as it is an excellent aerobic extension to your earlier ride.

RUN 1:15
Long, steady distance run. It should be easier to control your HR than it was earlier in the season, and you should hold your intensity level right at 70% for the bulk of this effort. You should definitely keep the intensity below 75% at all times.

BIKE 0:40 This is a recuperative effort, so just spin easy, breathing deeply and allowing your legs to flush out the lactic acid that has built up recently. Drink plenty of water during this ride and during the remainder of the day.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Clawing my way back in Week 7

The calf is not 100%, so I am not sure that my runs this week will be what is prescribed. I was able to go 40 very slow minutes on it Sunday before it hurt to the point of stopping me, but then walked around Disneyland all day and it aches for sure.

Here is my week ahead:

Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #7 - 1st Week of 2nd Pre-Season Cycle Swim 2:30 - Bike 4:25 - Run 2:35 -- Total: 9:30

SWIM 0:45
WARM UP400 Swim -- gradually build up from 60% to 70% intensity4 x 75 (middle 25 Kick) w/10 sec rest after eachMAIN SET4 x 200 @75% w/20 sec rest after each -- straight into5 x 100 @75% w/10 sec rest after each -- your speed should increase as the distance decreases, even while holding the same intensity level throughout(ALTERNATE MAIN SET: 4 x 150 w/20; 6 x 50 w/10)COOL DOWN300 easy, Kick every third 25

BIKE 1:05
WARM UP10:00 easy spinning in your small chainring, gradually allowing your HRto get up to 70%DRILLS3 x 3:00 VG Set w/30 sec rest-- each one should be done as follows, twice through (continuous):40 sec in medium gear @100 rpm20 sec in easy gear @110 rpm30 sec in hard gear @85-90 rpmMAIN SET3 x (3.1mi / 5km / 9:30) @75% intensity w/1:30 recovery after eachCool down completely, allowing your HR to gradually get back close to 50% by the end

RUN 0:35
Straight, relaxed aerobic run -- follow this structure to add variety:10:00 warm up, gradually bringing your HR up to 70%4 x 4:00 @70%, concentrating on getting your SPM above 80;-- take 1:00 recovery jogs between each effortCool down completely, allowing your HR to gradually get below 70% -- then continue to walk until your HR gets near 50% (should be 3:00-5:00 more)

SWIM 0:45
WARM UP300 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 Pull4 x 75 (25 right arm only / 25 left arm only / 25 Swim) w/10 sec rest after eachMAIN SET2 x 600 Swim, alternate (50 @70% / 25 @84-88%)(ALTERNATE SET: 2 x 450)COOL DOWN300 easy swim

BIKE 0:55
WARM UP15:00 gearing pyramid, as follows:-- 2:00 @60% - 3:00 @65% - 4:00 @70% - 6:00 @75%DRILLS3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec rest after each set -- do each repeat as-- 6 x (20 sec one leg, 10 sec transition)25:00 straight time trial effort @75% intensityCOOL DOWNSpin easily @90rpm until your HR is back under 60%, and pedal @80-85rpm until your HR gets closer to 50% before stopping


SWIM 1:00
WARM UP9 x 100 continuous - rotate (100 Swim - 100 Kick - 100 Pull) - 3 times thruMAIN SET2 sets of:300 straight, hold HR around 75% - 30 sec rest after, straight into3 x 100 w/15 sec rest, HR up to 80-85%, straight into6 x 50 w/10 sec rest, HR above 85% - extra 1:00 recovery between each set(ALTERNATE SET: 200 - 2 x 100 - 4 x 50)COOL DOWN200 easy swim

RUN 0:50
You could perform this session at the track or on the open road:15:00 warm up, as follows:-- 3:00 below 60% - 5:00 building from 60-70% - 7:00 @70%30:00 continuous aerobic effort - keeping your HR under 75% at all times, as follows:TRACK:-- 1 lap @75% (80-85 SPM)-- 1/2 lap recovery jog, letting your HR get below 70%, but keeping it above 60% (under 80 SPM ok)ROAD (setting your watch to 1:00 countdown would make this easier to manage):-- 1:00 @75% (80-85 SPM), 30 sec recovery jog @60-70% (under 80 SPM ok)Cool down, gradually bringing your HR back under 60%Keep walking until your HR gets back under 50%

Friday Complete recovery day -- relax and get ready for the weekend...

BIKE 1:45WARM UP20:00 gearing pyramid, getting into it slowly:-- 3:00 increasing to 60%; 4:00 up to 65%; 6:00 up to 70%; 7:00 @75%DRILLS3 x 4:30 VG Set w/30 sec rest in between-- each VG Set should be as follows, 3 x through:40 sec in medium gear, @100 rpm;20 sec in easy gear, @110-115 rpm;30 sec in hard gear, @90 rpmMAIN SETStraight (6.2mi / 10km / 20:00) time trial @75% intensityIt should be relatively easy to hold your HR right at this intensity level, holding your cadence at roughly 90 rpm throughout.3 x (1.0mi / 1.5 km / 3:00) @84% w/30 sec recovery after eachRepeat the (6.2mi / 10km / 20:00) time trial @75% intensityAfter the moderately hard speed set your body will likely be "shocked" into a higher HR with the higher levels of lactate, due to the higher amount of oxygen required to process this waste product. Be sure to hold your HR UNDER 75% on this second effort -- this will help demonstrate the adjustments that your body makes when you push it harder in the midst of a longer aerobic effort.3 x (1.0mi / 1.5 km / 3:00) @84% w/30 sec recovery after each
This will simulate a higher intensity finish to a longer effort.COOL DOWN completely, gradually reducing your gearing (holding your cadence @90 rpm) until your HR is about 10 beats lower than the 60% intensity level -- continue pedaling at a reduced cadence (80-85 rpm) until your HR is closer to 50%.

RUN 1:10
Get your HR intensity up to 70% gradually, then hold it there for the first 40:00. Then include the following:3 x 3:00 @75% (80-85 SPM) w/7:00 @70% after eachCool down a bit after your run, but you should complete your cool down by cycling immediately after your run.

BIKE 0:40
Hold your HR near 75% during the transition from running to cycling; you should be experiencing some familiar "heaviness" as the blood concentration changes to different areas of your large leg muscles.Continue spinning, holding your cadence @90 rpm; cool down the last 10:00, allowing your HR to gradually come back down below 60%, and closer to 50%, by the end...Great week!

Friday, January 2, 2009

The tale of 2 physical therapists

I know a few physical therapists, so I reached out to both of them for a course of action for my strained calf muscle. My problem with an injury is multi-dimensional. #1 - I am a LOUSY patient. I do not like being held down. #2 - I was worried enough as it was the holiday season and between travel and gym closures, getting my workouts in was a HUGE challenge. #3 - I have never had a strained muscle like this before, so I do not have experience dealing with it on my own. And most critically - #4 Except for running (and some time thereafter) I was not in pain. Biking did not hurt. Swimming did not hurt. Walking hurt if I tried to run with the pain, but otherwise, it did not hurt. So I would go a few days of just biking and swimming (or doing nothing) and my calf would feel fine, so I would try to run again, and 10 minutes in, I would be in terrible pain.

So I reached out to these therapists for help to recover. Therapist A is a long-time therapist who has worked in many areas of rehabilitation. She is also a casual athlete herself, running and competing in races on occasion. Therapist B is predominately in sports therapy, having worked with both professional and college sports. I do not believe Therapist B is a runner.

Therapist A gave me stretches and exercises and recommendations before she even saw me. Then when she saw me, she gave me a treatment of deep massage and prescribed massage from Richard for me.

Therapist B.....he said I should get a prescription for a pain killer (he even recommended a specific one). I was pretty surprised, to say the least, and a little disappointed that he talked about all the atheletes who used it, rather than having a course of actual physical recovery. I don't want to run doped up (unless this happens right before the race, then I might not want to quit my race after all this training I hope to get back to soon), and I certainly don't want to mask pain just to cause more damage and not really get rehabbed. I am starting to understand why former professional atheletes have such physical problems later in life. I do not want to join them.

I am happy to report I have been following (when I am even able to train) the prescribed therapy from therapist A, and while it has only been 2 weeks and I am not 100% better, there is definite improvement. 2 days ago I ran 3 s-l-o-w miles and while it was a little tight, it was survivable.

I am so so so mad that I am behind in my training. I am so so so thankful that it is so early in the program. I am so so so ready to really run again, but am trying to be responsible and make sure I come back at the appropriate pace to truly recover.

Happy 2009 everyone! Here's resolving to have a healthy and injury-free year.