Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Gambling on Vegas - Week Nine

We were in Vegas for the holiday weekend and I was supposed to bike and run on Saturday. I only biked...on a mountain bike out in Red Rock Canyon...a little different from the prescribed workout. But it was fabulous!

On Sunday I was supposed to run 1:15. My goal was to try to go :45 before my calf stopped me. I had a deep tissue massage appointment for the afternoon, and I was ready to push it.

I am almost afraid to write the words....I was able to very slowly do the entire time with NO PAIN. I cannot believe it. The leg did not even hurt when I got the massage. Today is now my next run of the week....:40 after a 1:10 bike. I hope it goes as well...I would love to feel like I am over this problem.

Here's week 9:
Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #9 - 3rd Week of 2nd Pre-Season Cycle Swim 2:30 - Bike 5:40 - Run 3:45 -- Total: 11:55

Tuesday BIKE 1:10
WARM UP 15:00 Gearing Pyramid, - 3:00 getting to 60% - 5:00 from 60-70% - 7:00 btwn 70-75% MAIN SET Remember here: Long, Steady Distance! Also, reread the questions regarding Interval Workout Instructions and Aerobic Interval Guidelines 3 x (12:00 / 4.0 mi / ~6km) @75% w/3:00 recovery spin @60% after each - optimal cadence here would be 88-92 rpm - those who ride a CompuTrainer should focus on maintaining an even average power output throughout the set COOL DOWN Spin easy at 80-90 rpm, bringing your HR back near 50% before stopping

RUN 0:40 10:00 warm up jog, gradually bringing your HR above 60% 25:00 tempo run, keeping your HR below 75% the entire way 5:00 cool down, bringing your HR under 60% before stopping; walk for an addition 2-3:00 until your HR is back under 100 bpm DAILY TOTAL: 1:50

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 300 Pull (ALTERNATE WARM UP: 300 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 Pull) MAIN SET 14 x 100 @75% w/10 sec rest after each - check your HR after the even numbered repeats (#2, 4, 6, etc.) to make sure that the intensity level is sufficiently low. Also be sure to focus on reducing your stroke count throughout the set. (ALTERNATE SET: 10 x 100) COOL DOWN 200 easy Swim

BIKE 0:50 WARM UP 10:00 easy spin, gradually getting your HR up to 65% MAIN SET 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery spinning in between - each ILT interval should be 6 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition) 10:00 @75% -- note how much distance is covered while keeping your HR under 75% the entire time; 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 -- identical to above 10:00 @75% -- should cover more distance with this second interval, holding HR under 75% COOL DOWN Continue spinning, bringing your HR back well under 60% (closer to 50%) before stopping

SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 800 Swim, Kicking every 4th length (3 lengths Swim, 1 length Kick, continuous) MAIN SET 8 x 250 (middle 50 Choice) w/30 sec rest after each - Descend 1-4 & 5-8 from 60% to 70% to 80% (ALTERNATE SET: 8 x 175, middle 25 Choice) COOL DOWN 6 x 50 @60% w/10 sec rest after each

RUN 0:55 Here we'll be working on increasing your foot speed while remaining in your aerobic training zone. Pay attention to your HR and maintain the 75% limit throughout the session. 10:00 warm up jog, getting up above 65% gradually 8 x 250 strides (should be about 3:15-3:30 range) on 5:00 interval - (This means to start one repeat every 5:00, regardless of when you finished the previous one) - Remember that one "stride" equals two steps - Refer to the FAQ to review proper running form

Friday Total recovery day. These recuperation periods are extremely important to enable your body to strengthen itself & prepare for the challenges ahead. Remember: Gains are not made during periods of stress -- they're only made during periods of recovery.

This is one of the longest (perhaps the longest) cycling sessions we've had so far -- if you try to swallow it all at once you'll choke, so bear with me and let's take it through one segment at a time....

BIKE 2:15 WARM UP 20:00 Gearing Pyramid, as follows: 2:00 in easiest gear (hold 90 rpm), 3:00 in next hardest gear, 4:00 in next, then 5:00, and finally 6:00 @85-90rpm
DRILLS 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery spinning in between - each ILT interval should be 6 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition)
INTERMEDIATE SET Alternate fast spinning (110+ rpm) with easy pedaling (90 rpm or less) as follows: 15 sec fast/15 sec easy; 30 sec fast/30 easy; 45 fast/45 easy 1:00 easy spin before starting the main set (You should be at the 40:00 mark or so by now)
MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! Stick with mileage, unless you go way over the target time; if you do, then adjust the target mileage down such that you can finish the interval in the recommended amount of time. 2 x (33:00 / 11.2mi / 18km) @75% w/2:00 recovery, between 60-70% finish with 1 x (15:00 / 5mi / 8km) - Record your time & average HR for each, as well as your average power output (if you have a CompuTrainer) for future analysis. You might want to have a pen & paper handy before you start this! COOL DOWN 10:00 easy spinning, bringing your HR back down under 60% before stopping

RUN 0:40 This is an extension of today's endurance work, so start it as soon after the cycling as you can. If you start right after biking, then it should be pretty easy to get your HR up above 70%; in any case, keep your HR under 75% throughout the run.

Sunday, 2/2 RUN 1:30
You'll want to do this session at the same place you did the last time (January 5), either on the road or at the track. It's important to be as consistent as possible (run at the same place, the same time of day) to enable you to measure your progress accurately. Warm up with a 10:00 jog, bringing your HR to 60-65%
Intermediate Set: 4 x 15 sec @75% (faster foot speed) w/45 sec recovery jog after each Your HR should be up around 75% and ready to go! Big Target: 3-Mile (5 km) MAF Test Be sure to hold your HR right at 75% throughout the test run -- no more! -- and stop your watch after reaching the three-mile point. Record your time for future comparison -- you should see some improvement over the last time (perhaps 5-10 sec per mile) Continue with a 30:00 endurance run @70%, either at the track or out on the road. This will add additional aerobic work to today's longer effort. Be sure to cool down completely, walking the final 2-3:00 to get your HR under 50% before stopping.

BIKE 0:50 This is the "finale" to your longest week so far...congrats! Spin easily, and don't do anything that might jack your HR up above 75%. The purpose of this ride is to begin your recuperation before next week's challenges, so don't skimp on this...and get ready for next week!

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