Friday, January 2, 2009

The tale of 2 physical therapists

I know a few physical therapists, so I reached out to both of them for a course of action for my strained calf muscle. My problem with an injury is multi-dimensional. #1 - I am a LOUSY patient. I do not like being held down. #2 - I was worried enough as it was the holiday season and between travel and gym closures, getting my workouts in was a HUGE challenge. #3 - I have never had a strained muscle like this before, so I do not have experience dealing with it on my own. And most critically - #4 Except for running (and some time thereafter) I was not in pain. Biking did not hurt. Swimming did not hurt. Walking hurt if I tried to run with the pain, but otherwise, it did not hurt. So I would go a few days of just biking and swimming (or doing nothing) and my calf would feel fine, so I would try to run again, and 10 minutes in, I would be in terrible pain.

So I reached out to these therapists for help to recover. Therapist A is a long-time therapist who has worked in many areas of rehabilitation. She is also a casual athlete herself, running and competing in races on occasion. Therapist B is predominately in sports therapy, having worked with both professional and college sports. I do not believe Therapist B is a runner.

Therapist A gave me stretches and exercises and recommendations before she even saw me. Then when she saw me, she gave me a treatment of deep massage and prescribed massage from Richard for me.

Therapist B.....he said I should get a prescription for a pain killer (he even recommended a specific one). I was pretty surprised, to say the least, and a little disappointed that he talked about all the atheletes who used it, rather than having a course of actual physical recovery. I don't want to run doped up (unless this happens right before the race, then I might not want to quit my race after all this training I hope to get back to soon), and I certainly don't want to mask pain just to cause more damage and not really get rehabbed. I am starting to understand why former professional atheletes have such physical problems later in life. I do not want to join them.

I am happy to report I have been following (when I am even able to train) the prescribed therapy from therapist A, and while it has only been 2 weeks and I am not 100% better, there is definite improvement. 2 days ago I ran 3 s-l-o-w miles and while it was a little tight, it was survivable.

I am so so so mad that I am behind in my training. I am so so so thankful that it is so early in the program. I am so so so ready to really run again, but am trying to be responsible and make sure I come back at the appropriate pace to truly recover.

Happy 2009 everyone! Here's resolving to have a healthy and injury-free year.

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