Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Off Training and Pissed Off

I have what I believe to be a sprain in my right calf. The good news is that biking and swimming don't hurt. The bad news is that running is impossible.....AND since I will be on vacation without pool access for a week.....I was really counting on ramping up the running.

Between crazy Christmas schedules and events and now this.....training is T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E. And I am not happy. I want to run....I really, really do...which isn't helping me get over being injured.

Fortunately, I have a sister-in-law who is a physical therapist who has given me some exercises and stretches to do to try to help me work through it. I just need to focus on the patience to get it done and not push it and end up taking longer to get over this then necessary.

In the meantime the swimming and biking are going well! I really hope the New Year brings better training without the interruptions in my schedule.

Happy Holidays to everyone....and I hope you all have a Blessed 2009!

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