Sunday, December 7, 2008

Week 3

Two weeks into training and challenges already. Namely...that this was a difficult time of year to control my schedule. Fortunately, I have had the ability to keep up with all of the time/distance requirements....I have just been a little flexible about WHEN I do them.

For example, 2 days of travelling over Thanksgiving did not give me time to get in full workouts, so I might have bumped something to another day. I have also taken a little liberty with the swimming...mostly because it is done on distance, and I have access to a 50-meter pool sometimes, yet the workouts are done as if you are in a 25-yard pool. But I am still making the distance, even if I am not following the exact workout. I know this kind of give and take is going to have to happen through the Christmas Holidays, but come January 3, I hope to not divert anymore....especially since the distances will get longer and I think making sure I am not over training is a good thing. Because yours truly has nil in the way of patience.

I have to remind myself that this is a 36-week program and I have 7 months and 4 weeks until the race. I do not need to be putting in 12-milers now, and would only hurt myself if I tried. But now that I am on this path....I want to get be able to do it!!!

Below is a sample week from the training program. The comments are from the personb who created the program. (Dates are one week off, my race is one week earlier.) I have taken a little liberty with the swimming, as I mentioned, but otherwise this is essentially what I am doing....though I think I need to invest in a quality heart-rate monitor. It's my plan though....and so far I am feeling pretty good!

Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #3 - 1st
Week of 1st Pre-Season Cycle Swim 2:30 - Bike 3:45 - Run 1:55 -- Total: 8:10

SWIM 0:45
WARM UP 400 Swim -- 2 x 100 Kick -- 2 x 100 Pull
MAIN SET 150 - 250 - 350 - 350 - 250 - 150 w/20 sec after each Alternate 50 freestyle / 25 Choice for each repeat Intensity should be between 75-80% for freestyle, under 75% for choice (ALTERNATE MAIN SET: Remove the 250's from above) COOL DOWN 100 easy, holding perfect technique DAILY TOTAL: 0:45

Tuesday, 12/17
BIKE 0:55 WARM UP 10:00 easy spinning in your small chainring, gradually allowing your HR to get up to 60% MAIN SET Perform the entire set in your small chainring, elevating your heart rate by increasing your cadence (faster pedaling). 2 sets of the following (40:00 total): (8:00 interval @75% intensity - 2:00 recovery @60% intensity) -- straight into (2:00 interval @84% intensity - 8:00 recovery @60% intensity)
COOL DOWN completely, allowing your HR to get back close to 50% by the end

RUN 0:30 Gradually bring your HR up to 65% during the first 15:00 Allow your HR intensity to increase to 75% for the next 10:00 by increasing your SPM (Strides Per Minute) to 80-90. Cool down completely -- don't stop until your HR is well under 60%

Wednesday, 12/18
SWIM 0:45
WARM UP 2 sets of (100 Swim - 100 Kick - 100 Pull) - continuous - 65% intensity for #1 & 75% for #2 MAIN SET 4 x 300 w/20 sec rest between each (ALTERNATE SET: 4 x 200) #1 & 3 - Swim; #2 & 4 - Pull (w/paddles ok) -- You should descend this set, getting progressively faster from #1 (65%) to #4 (84-88%) COOL DOWN 3 x 100 @60% w/10 sec rest after each

BIKE 0:45 WARM UP 10:00 easy spinning, gradually bringing your HR up to 65% DRILLS 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec rest after each set -- do each repeat as -- 6 x (20 sec one leg, 10 sec transition) 15:00 straight time trial effort @75% intensity COOL DOWN spin easy through the end of the session


Thursday, 12/19
SWIM 1:00
WARM UP 2 sets of (150 Swim - 100 Kick - 150 Pull) -- let your intensity slowly get above 65% MAIN SET 3 x 700 w/30 sec rest after each - Swim #1 & 2, Pull #3 (ALTERNATE SET: 3 x 400) Hold the intensity constant at 75% (not higher), and try to keep your times even throughout the set. Try to minimize the strokes per length. COOL DOWN 6 x 50 Swim w/10 sec rest after each, holding your HR below 70% Concentrate on rotating your hips and minimizing the number of strokes per length.

RUN 0:35 10:00 easy jogging, allowing your HR to get up to 60% gradually 20:00 "tempo run" -- performed as follows: 7 x (1:30 @75% intensity - 30 sec @60% recovery) - continuous, straight into 3 x (1:30 @84% intensity - 30 sec @60% recovery) - continuous Continue cooling down until your HR is well under 60%

Friday, 12/20 Complete recovery day -- get ready for the weekend!

Saturday, 12/21
BIKE 1:30 WARM UP 15:00 easy spin -- use a gearing pyramid to gradually build to 75% -- 5:00 in easy gear, 4:00 in next harder gear, then 3:00, 2:00, & 1:00 DRILLS 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec rest in between -- each ILT should be done as (20 sec one leg - 10 sec transition) MAIN SET Straight 55:00 time trial, with mixed intensities -- be sure to follow these guidelines closely: (7:00 @75% intensity, 3:00 @60% aerobic pace) (3:00 @84% intensity -- really "snap" up to that level -- 7:00 @60% recovery) (8:00 @75%, 2:00 @60%) (2:00 @84% 8:00 @60%) (15:00 @75% intensity to finish the set) COOL DOWN to 1:30 total, gradually bringing your HR back under 60% by the end

Sunday, 12/22
RUN 0:50 This is a gentle, relaxing run done at very low intensity throughout. Your HR intensity should never exceed 75%, and should be held closer to 65%.

BIKE 0:35 Use this as a "cool down" spin in your small chain ring, beginning @75% intensity after the run, and gradually coming down to 60% by the end. You should feel invigorated at the end of your first "real" week!


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