Tuesday, December 16, 2008

PopTarts and injuries

I love the suggestion of Poptarts as an in-race fuel. Definitely going to be trying those out.....it's important to my training, right?!

I am suffering an injury right now which is bad, bad, bad. Mostly because I am a TERRIBLE patient and hate the idea of not running.

I think it is just a strained calf muscle and so there is plenty of icing and stretching and I promise not to try to run again for at least 3 days. I'll just be biking (which is uncomfortable, but not painful) and swimming. If it does not really help, well then, I can get over my anxiety of not really being able to train over Christmas (travel, family plans, lack of a pool) and count that as my rest time. But I really don't want to do that at all. I want to keep working, working, working.

Because afterall, I have 7 months, 2 weeks and 2 days until Vineman...and that kind of scares me ;-)

1 comment:

Diana said...

Hi AJ! Hang in there and keep doing whatever you can. You'll thank yourself for it 7+ months from now - great that you keep thinking of the race and how it'll be here sooner than you know it!

As for the Pop-Tarts, now THERE is a carrot that this horse will run for. I actually use the Jelly Belly "sport" beans ... every half-mile on my long runs I get to have 2 or 3, and OMG I love them! Almost makes running pleasurable. : )