Sunday, December 14, 2008

Holy Mother-of-a-Manatee CRAMP!!!

Well, in a reminder from my body that proper nutrition is really critical, I have been suffering cramps lately, the one today cutting short my long run of the week (not good).

But it's good to get a handle on this early, and at this time of year when it's all too easy to have a lunch of the goodies that have shown up in the office. The peanut butter in the fudge is not exactly providing the protein I need. Soooooo...I have been focusing on improving my food choices, and hopefully avoiding cramps like this in the future!

My current favorite breakfast on big training days:
2 tbls peanut butter (Kirkland Organic)
1/2 to 3/4 c. cottage cheese
3/4 tp 1 c. skim milk
1 banana

Blend until smooth and drink. It's like a PB and banana sandwich and a glass of milk without the bread. YUM.

1 comment:

Val Duffinger said...

You know what else (surprisingly) worked for me is pop tarts. They have the right amount of sugar and carbs. GL! It sucks working this part out, but it's better to find out now than on race day!