Monday, June 29, 2009

5 weeks to go, another Olympic Tri

I ran the Dina La Vigna Olympic Triathlon in St. Buenaventura Beach State Park in Ventura CA. A VERY well-run race. Professional, good volunteers, nicely executed. The course is pretty good, although I saw 7 people on the bike changing flats and it made me wonder about the roads. Having the run on a boardwalk that was technically open to the public was a little annoying, but there were no real problems.

I improved my time, though the courses were not entirely comparable. This was an ocean swim (so NOT a fan). It was a MUCH flater course, but every leg was also faster:

20:48 1.5K Swim (4 mins less)
1:25:43 40K Bike (11 mins less)
51:17 10K Run (1 min less)
2:37:49.8 OverallA very special thank you to Richard, who did not need to get up at 4:30 a.m., particularly after the week he had, yet did anyway. The swim shocks me in particular, since swimming in the ocean has a high suck value....mostly in the form of salt water gulps.

I got a Neoprene Wetsuit. It's a little big on me, I'm not thrilled about that (ordered online).But the bouyancy is still nice to have, and makes a pretty big difference in the race.

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