Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Race Report - I survived the Vineman IM distance triathlon

On Saturday, August 1, I completed The Vineman 2009 Ironman-distance Triathlon. 140.6 miles (vineman.com). It was an absolutely amazing day and experience. I will write other blog entries about my lessons learned and a review of my training program. Check back.

The Day Before
Richard and I arrived in Windsor, CA at Windsor High School for check in and a meeting on Friday. That process was not well run, and check-in took a long time. I had plenty of time to stand in line assessing the other competitors. I felt intimidated looking at people who seemed 10x more in shape than I felt. I was amazed at the variety in ages and body types walking around. But I also felt like everyone else looked relaxed and confident and I was freaking out on the inside.

After the meeting we went out with my Mom and Carlie to drive some of the race route. One other person I knew who was racing was a girl I 'met' 2 weeks earlier in an online triathlete's forum (trifuel.com). Kim and I had been emailing obsessively the last 2 weeks, sharing anxiety and strategy (such as it was) and concerns and questions and encouragement. Kim was not only doing her first IM, she was doing her ever triathlon. Very impressive!

The ride on the route was incredibly valuable. There were a few critical elements in the race that were important to see ahead of time. You would not want to be blind-sided by some of the turns and hills. There was one hill on the end of the bike loop we did not see that was an ass-kicking, and I wish I had seen it ahead of time; it's an important part of race preparation.

Viewing the hills did a lot for my repertoire of profanity, but not for my nerves.

I had a lovely pasta dinner with Richard, Mom and Carlie, and tried to go to bed early. I had been doing so all week to get myself on an early morning schedule and it worked well...I slept remarkably well the night before.

The Morning Of
The 4:30 a.m. wake-up call was not too painful. I had been really organized with my race items, so getting ready did not take me long. I watched the news while I ate breakfast (hard-boiled egg, bagel with peanut butter, banana and a little Nutella, chocolate milk) and didn't think too much about the race other than feeling prepared (in terms of my equipment and organization).

We drove to the race site at 5:15 wondering who we knew who would be awake. We assume only those on the East Coast with kids were probably up. (sorry for you!) When I started walking my stuff toward the transition area, the nerves kicked in. The Johnson Beach-front had people walking all over, standing in line for bathrooms and getting ready. I racked my bike and laid everything out and found Kim, who was right near me on the rack. We laid our stuff out and got in line for the restroom with Richard. All the while, the nerves were growing. I was looking at the muscles on people around me and just kept thinking I was underprepared and the first thoughts that I would not finish started creeping in. At one point, I was staring at the river thinking "this is the dumbest thing I have ever done."

There have been times, early in the training, when I had delusions about having a good race – I am a life-long competitor. But I had finally, after weeks of self-talk, convinced myself that as long as I finished before the 11:00 p.m. cut-off time, I would be happy. And really, there is no other way for me to have gone into this race.

As we were in line for the restroom talking, a woman behind us asked Kim and me if it was our first race. The women had only done one other one - in Switzerland! - and she said as long as we trained, we'd be fine. Kim seemed to feel better...but I immediately started thinking about the mental health day I took....the injury that stopped my running for a month over the holidays....the track workouts I nixed for a road workout....the fact that I let my weightlifting fall off..... I was really anything but confident.

Time flew by and we were still in line when they announced that the first heat of men needed to get lining up soon and if they were in line for the restroom, they'd better move to the front. I was not even in my wetsuit yet...the adrenaline started to flow as my dreams of being late to the race started to surface as I panicked I'd still be in line for the bathroom when my wave started.

The Swim – 2.4 Miles
Time was fine and we made it through set-up and into our wetsuits and down to the beach. The first wave of men went off at 6:30 a.m., followed by 2 more waves five minutes apart before the entire field of 160 women took to the Russian River. The river was warmer than expected, which was fantastic. This race is historically hot, so the fact that it never got out of the lower 80s was fantastic! The horn blew and off we went.

I had never done a straight 2.4 mile swim, and frankly swimming in a pool is not the same as swimming against and with currents and over the 3 waves of men in front of me. I had done 2 Olympic tri’s this summer and on the .9-mile swim I was just under 25 mins. So, adding in the distance, I figured 1:15 at best and 1:30 at (hopefully) worst. I did not see a clock out of the water, so I went out on the bike having no idea how I did. Only at the end did Richard tell me I had swam it (climbing over tons of people and walking 25 yards when the river got to be about 2 feet deep at the turn-around point) in :59.

The Transition
I got out of the water intent on following the advice I had read that said that a slow transition is best, to allow your body to adjust to the shock of having swam that distance and then getting on to a bike. I had a ‘stripper’ take off my wetsuit (one of the fun moments of the race) and went off to look for my bike…which strangely was not on the first two racks I looked at! I was apparently discombobulated. But I found it eventually and changed and headed out. Transition, even with the brainfuzz: 5:59. I’m pretty proud of myself for that….and happily surprised. Here was a piece of great advice….there was a small hill right off transition….I ran it instead of biking it….good decision.

The Bike – 112 Miles
The bike started at the beach, headed out for about 8 miles and then into a loop racers did twice, passing and then ending at Windsor High School, 15 miles from the start. There was a nasty sharp turn 5 miles into the race (just past the Korbel winery…had it been opened, I might have stopped!) and as I approached it, the volunteer directing traffic told me I was about 6 minutes off the lead women. I thought “don’t tell me that, I am here to finish, not to be competitive.”

The hills I had seen on the scout the day in the car were somehow not as bad on the bike, though I am guessing it had a lot to do with adrenaline.

I was wearing a watch and I completed the first half of the bike in 3:15. I was initially thrilled, but I kept trying to convince myself that I needed to dial it back or I was going to die on the run. Turns out, my legs don’t listen to me. I did the second leg in almost the same time.

The bike went through some gorgeous country and beautiful wineries. I was thinking of Richard, mom, Carlie and my friends Debbie and Scott, who might have been out wine tasting. I had given them an estimate of my time - I was hoping to average 15 mph - but I was doing much better than that, so they did not see me at any points until the transition to the run.

Among the advice I had gotten was all about fueling and hydrating, and it was advised to try to do a lot of the solid food fueling on the bike. Now, my road bike is ‘older’ – i.e., a 2001 model. It’s steel, not carbon, and is heavy compared to most contemporary bikes. This is likely to be the only IM I do, so I did not see the point in investing in an expensive new bike. I had trained on it, I was comfortable on it and, while I was tempted by lighter bikes, I had bought into the “I just want to finish” mentality and I did not figure a new bike would make a significant difference. When I was training, I carried all my fueling and hydrating sources in a commuter bag. During the race, there were 4 aid stations on the bike and at one you could leave a ‘special needs bag’ with food that you could stop and pick up. This was perhaps an area I should have done more investigation.

During my Olympic triathlons this summer I tried some ‘new formula’ Gatorade at an aid station and it was TERRIBLE and upset my stomach. But I was lucky that it was only a 10K run, so I was fine with just water. I was concerned that the supplies at the aid stations in the race would not be compatible with my stomach…which would be a race ender. So I hauled all my own stuff. I got a few remarks on my stuff, but I carried the commuter pack to have all tools for tire changing, 3 water bottles and food for the race that I was used to.

It turns out that would not have been needed in this case. The Gatorade Endurance and the food would have supplemented 2 water bottles and food I carried in my bike shirt just fine, but I didn’t now…so I had the extra weight on my bike. But how much it might have affected me is speculation at this point….I had hoped to finish in 7:30 – 8:30 hours, and I finished in 6:25.

This was also the point at which my lack of driving the entire route hurt me. Near the ending of the loop was a nasty hill that was bad the first time around….the second loop I knew it was coming and I feared it…and it hurt.

This was my first IM, so I cannot say if maybe I just went too fast, expended too much energy. I was concerned about my pace, but I was kind of excited about my time. That damn competitor in me coming out. My inexperience rearing its ugly head. Richard and crew were at the school waiting to see me off on the run. I decided to change into dry clothes, though I may not have needed it….but I had already pinned my number to a new jersey and so I changed. I had an idea of how well I had done on the bike, but still no knowledge of the swim and so no real knowledge of overall time.

The Run – 26.2 miles
The marathon was a 3-loop out and back from the school along some fairly country roads. It was a great route for spectators to see participants multiple times, and an excellent opportunity for participants to feed off the excitement of the crowd. People lined the last first/last half mile of the run and it made for a great energizer.

My first loop hurt. I chalked it up to the challenge of running after biking that distance. I felt okay – my fueling and hydrating strategy on the bike had worked. I did it in 1:31. But the muscles were sore. I walked the hills and the 4 aid stations (which I hit on both the out and back) and was rather unhappy about my progress. The second loop felt a lot better than the first and I felt like I was going faster than on the first. At a minimum I was running more. Yet, it was almost the same: 1:32. The third loop was a killer, 1:44. When I walked, I tried to walk no slower than 15-minute miles. I know I was good at that until my watch battery died. Then I THINK I kept up no slower than that pace. I still did the marathon in under 5 hours, but I won’t lie about my disappointment. I blame my training. I should have done more track workouts…..I should have pushed my running harder.

Because of the course design, I saw my personal fans on each loop and I saw a lot of the same people on the run. It was inspiring to see all the people I had seen at check-in – all ages, all body types – pushing themselves, working to finish, fighting their own demons, achieving their own goals. There was the para-athlete, there was the guy with the prosthetic, there were the Team-In-Training members. There was the 19-year-old I had traded positions with on the bike. There was the 71-year-old who impressed the hell out of me. There was Arkady, the leader of my running group, who had offered advice and support that made all of the difference, kicking butt for Team-In-Training. (Thanks Arkady!) I tried to cheer them all on. I tried to exchange pleasantries, supply encouragement. I saw Kim on each loop…and we shouted at each other with enthusiasm. We were Ironwoman.

The Finish
When I was within that last mile, I wanted to run. I was pushed by the crowd. I fed off the noise and applause (more cowbell please!). More than once that day, I was moved to tears, and now the waterworks started. Within sight of the school, I looked for my personal cheerleaders. In the last 50 yards, my mom handed me some pom poms my dad and step-mom had given me for Christmas as a show of support. The announcer proclaimed “there is nothing wrong for cheering for yourself” – not that I needed it….there were all kinds of supporters and I soaked it in. I paused at the finish line for the professional photographer, and finished with an official time of 12:20:49. 4th in my age group, 20th out of the women, 147th out of 683 athletes. The I hugged Richard, and bawled my head off.

The End
The end, and the days that follow, are strange. When you think about it – tell someone, look at your finishers medal, write a blog – you feel pride. But the rest of life goes on. You don’t have a scheduled workout, you’re not feeling stressed, you’re just done. It’s a weird feeling, almost anti-climactic. But when I feel weird, I think back to the moment I crossed. To my friends supporting me. To the feeling of accomplishment. I will now always be an Ironman Finisher…..it is a feeling I wish on all of you.

Major Thanks
This would not have been possible had it not been for the myriad people – both close to me and ‘strangers’ on chat boards – that expressed support and encouragement. I did absolutely think about that during the race. It is invaluable - and I hope I have the opportunity to pay it forward in spades. But some should be singled out:

Suzanne, Sunghee and Wendy – I greatly appreciate your mementos….they were in my transition pack before the run….and I did look at them and it did move me. Make no mistake….your gesture was very much needed and appreciated. Your thoughtfulness is powerful.

Kim – you came into my life on the internet, nothing more than a screen name and then an email. But you supported me in my darkest moments of doubt and I appreciate that immensely. Sharing this with you made it even more special….I am so proud of your accomplishment.

Dad and Ruth – I’m not sure which was more helpful, the pom poms or the Entra Strength Tylenol, but I greatly appreciated them both!

Arkady – Your willingness to share your experience and fantastic advice made the difference in my day. You are a mentor in every sense of the word and I know so many people owe their success to you…..including – especially - me.

Scott and Debbie – seeing your smiling faces cheering me on was more helpful than you know. The fact that I could smile after running those loops was because of your presence that lifted me up. I am touched by your support for me and you must believe me when I say your presence made a huge difference.

Mom and Carlie – Your support from the beginning and on-going encouragement carried me through. Your willingness to come all the way from Florida and spend part of your vacation tracking me around Sonoma was amazing. Seeing your faces at the finish made my day. I am so happy that I shared this experience with you both.

Richard – I know you think I am nuts and I don’t have much evidence on my side to argue against that. But I never, ever, would have accomplished this without you and I will forever be grateful for the love and support you give me. I love you most.

Thanks to you all for reading…….AJ….Ironman Finisher.

Wetsuits do not equal sexy!

Off we go!!!

Out of the water and out of the wetsuit!

On with the bike shorts! Quality shorts = good investment for 112 miles!

That was POM bike shirt courtesy of Richard....I love it! Powered my POM Wonderful!

I am not in this picture, but here's an idea of the bike.

Really...he could have NOT taken this picture. But I had to change!!!

Trying to push the transition!

Back on the first loop of the run. See all the spectators? Fantastic!

I loved the finishing line. Crossed with the pom poms....celebrating for myself!

J Sparkling Champagne.....the only way to celebrate!

Monday, July 20, 2009


This week - keep time up but back off intensity. Next week, slow it down and rest.

This is not easy to do. Rest is a hard concept to come by. Especially when one feels unprepared. Like if I work hard this week I can make up for it.

But I keep reading and re-reading articles about the importance of rest and am trying to take it to heart. Afterall...it's still a 3-hour bike Saturday...it's just pulled back from the speed. We're in the home stretch. I had a pretty good last long weekend, I do feel strong...just wish I had done longer workouts. Mentally I feel like I should have done the whole IM already to know that I can on race day...but that's not how it works. So at this point I am trusting in the program and the adrenline.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

17 days left and the mental battle emerges

I wish I felt more confident, but the truth is I am scared to death.

I am honestly terrified I won't finish.

I am looking back and nitpicking the day I slacked here, the mental health day I took there. I've biked 100 miles one day, ran 18 another day - but don't feel like it's enough. There will be several more of these posts with increasing fear and anxiety I am sure and I apologize now for being whiny about something that - yes - I voluntarily signed up for and am paying to do.

This is the last week of 'intense' training before the 2-week taper. I am already thinking of modifying the program a little bit since it only calls for 4:45 biking this weekend and I think I should do another Century. (Which will take me more than 6 hours) I admit I am having a hard time thinking that what I have done is enough. But these are the mental things I cannot let pull me down.

I got some great advice from an article lately I desperately need to remember...#1 especially:

The Four Keys of Long-Distance Triathlon
1. Execution
It bears repeating: Race day is about execution, not fitness. We measure good execution by your ability to run well off the bike. There is no such thing as a good bike followed by a poor run. The simple fact is that the difference between a "slow" and a "fast" bike on race day is only about 15 minutes. If you've made the mistake of riding too slowly, you now have 26.2 miles of running to fix that mistake. But if you have made the mistake of riding too fast, that mistake now has 26.2 miles to express itself. And it will, usually to the tune of walking 18- to 20-minute miles for 8, 10, 14 miles as opposed to just continuing to run. Now you are going backwards through the field to the tune of hours!

2. The Line
Everyone will reach a Line on the last leg where continuing to run at the same pace, or just continuing to run at all, will become very, very difficult. Your focus on Execution above is critical to help create conditions for success at the Line. Success at this point it defined as not slowing down.

3. The Box
Your method of executing and creating conditions for success at the Line is to use your Box. The space inside this Box is defined by what you can control. Nutrition, for instance, is inside the Box because you can control when, how, and how much you eat. Weather and other athletes, on the other hand, are outside of the Box since you can't manipulate these factors, only adapt to them.

4. The One Thing
As your race day continues, you will eventually hit the Line. It's at this point that your body begins to debate, very loudly, with the mind. Unless you have a very clearly defined goal or compelling reason why you must continue, your body wins and your day will start...to get...very...long. Keep this goal or motivation in mind and use it as a lifeline that will bring you to the finish.

Monday, June 29, 2009

5 weeks to go, another Olympic Tri

I ran the Dina La Vigna Olympic Triathlon in St. Buenaventura Beach State Park in Ventura CA. A VERY well-run race. Professional, good volunteers, nicely executed. The course is pretty good, although I saw 7 people on the bike changing flats and it made me wonder about the roads. Having the run on a boardwalk that was technically open to the public was a little annoying, but there were no real problems.

I improved my time, though the courses were not entirely comparable. This was an ocean swim (so NOT a fan). It was a MUCH flater course, but every leg was also faster:

20:48 1.5K Swim (4 mins less)
1:25:43 40K Bike (11 mins less)
51:17 10K Run (1 min less)
2:37:49.8 OverallA very special thank you to Richard, who did not need to get up at 4:30 a.m., particularly after the week he had, yet did anyway. The swim shocks me in particular, since swimming in the ocean has a high suck value....mostly in the form of salt water gulps.

I got a Neoprene Wetsuit. It's a little big on me, I'm not thrilled about that (ordered online).But the bouyancy is still nice to have, and makes a pretty big difference in the race.

Monday, June 8, 2009

End of Week 28 - First Olympic Tri

Learned a lot.
Like I am not a fan of swimming in wetsuits.
Like my bike is old.
Like I am not the best biker.
Like I am still a huge chicken at riding down hills (and get passed by a LOT of people!).

But it was a good set of lessons to learn...less than 2 months until the IM!

Los Angeles Triathlon Series Frank Bonelli Park San Dimas, CA
June 7, 2009

1.5K (.93 mile) Swim 24:42 pace: 23 min/mile
40K (24.85 mile) Bike 1:36:28 pace: 3:52 min/mile (15.45 mph)
10K (6.2 mile) Run 52:20 pace 8:25/min mile

Total 2:57:47

I think the only reason I ran so fast is because I was SO pissed about the bike.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Nine weeks and counting....

Went to Vegas this weekend and got my arse kicked in the heat. But it was important. Not that it was Vegas...but that I pushed myself in heat. Apparently, race day could be hot.

Am comtemplating biking back to Vegas for the long Saturday bike...4:35, holy crap!

This week's butt-kicking:
Ultra Distance Group Competitive Season Week 6 Swim 3:00 - Bike 9:50 - Run 5:10 -- Total: 17:00

Total recovery day -- relax, recover, stretch out, and enjoy...

SWIM 0:45
WARM UP 400 Swim, 200 Kick, 300 Pull MAIN SET 4 x 400 @75-85% w/30 sec rest - every 4th length Choice COOL DOWN 200 @under 60%

BIKE 1:30 20:00 gearing pyramid as follows: - 4:00 in easy gear @50% - 6:00 in next harder gear @55-60% - 6:00 in next gear @60-70% - 4:00 up one more gear @75% MAIN SET 3 x (6.2mi / 10km / 17:00) as follows: - #1 @75%, followed by 3:00 recovery spin - #2 @84-92%, followed by 10:00 recovery spin - #3 @84-92% -- go straight into the cool down: COOL DOWN Continue spinning, bringing your HR down slowly until it's under 50% by the end

Today's total is three hours -- the maximum that we'll ever ask you to do on a weekday -- and you'll need to keep your focus on making it through as easily as possible. Remember, high training volume = low training intensity!

RUN 1:15 15:00 warm up jog, allowing your body to slowly get up to 60-65% 4 x 7:00 steady tempo runs @70-75% w/3:00 @60-70% after each - focus on holding proper running form Bring your HR back down gradually, to 60% with 5:00 remaining down to 50% by the end.

BIKE 1:45 WARM UP 20:00 spinning @90-95rpm DRILLS 2 x 3:00 Isolated Leg Training w/30 sec recovery after each 3 x 4:30 Variable Gearing ("VG") set w/30 sec recovery spin after each - each repeat goes 3 x thru the following: - 40 sec in moderate gear @95-100 rpm - 20 sec in easy gear @110-115 rpm - 30 sec in hard gear @85-90 rpm repeat the following: 2 x 3:00 Isolated Leg Training w/30 sec recovery after each MAIN SET 2 x (6.2mi / 10km / 18:00) @75% w/2:00 sec easy spinning - hold 90-95rpm cadence throughout COOL DOWN 15:00 easy spin (small chain ring) @95rpm, allowing your HR to return to 50% for the final few minutes.


SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 200 IM MAIN SET 8 x 250 w/30 sec rest (Alternate set: 8 x 200 w/30) - descend 1-4, 5-8 - the first one in each set of 4 should be @75%; the last one at race pace COOL DOWN 600 Pull, long and relaxed

RUN 1:05 As usual, this session is designed to be done at a track. The durations are included in case you need to run on the road instead. 15:00 easy jog, gradually raising your HR to 70% This first intermediate set is designed to elevate your HR for the main set: 4 x In & Out (100 / 20 sec) -- 800 total The main set is designed to get your HR elevated relatively quickly and then held in the suggested zone for the entire period -- the rest intervals will only be enough to allow you to catch your breath, not fully recover. 3 sets of: 4 x (400 / 1:45) @84-92% w/(100 / :30) easy jog after each - take an additional (800 / 4:00) between sets Jog easy @60% or below to the end

Friday SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 200 IM MAIN SET 2 sets of (5 x 150 @75-80% w/30 sec rest); w/1:00 btwn sets - set #1 is Swim; #2 is Pull (ALTERNATE SET: 2 sets of 4 x 150) COOL DOWN 200 easy swim
BIKE 1:00 This is an easy recovery workout designed to give you some relief before the long weekend. If you're dragging and need some additional recovery, feel free to skip this one -- but make up for it tomorrow! WARM UP 20:00 spinning @95rpm gradually raising your HR up to 65-70% DRILLS 3 x 3:00 Isolated Leg Training w/30 sec recovery after each Continue spinning @65-70% intensity & 90-95rpm cadence Bring your HR down under 50% by the end.

Saturday This is one of the epic "Iron Days" that you'll have prior to your race, to instill confidence that your body, your equipment, and your fueling strategies are going to be where you need them to get through your big day. Approach this weekend as one big challenge, and have fun with it!

SWIM 0:30 This can be put in either first thing in the day -- to simulate the order in a triathlon -- or last in the day, to enable a more complete recovery. And, if you're completely shot, you can also skip this entirely (believe me, I've been there!). 800 warmup swim, gradually getting your HR from 60-70% If you're doing this workout last, then reverse the intensities (80-75-70-65%) 400 @65% - 300 @70% - 200 @75% - 100 @80%

BIKE 4:35 Get psyched, be prepared, bring along enough spare tires, and test out your fueling strategies here. I've always found it more realistic and manageable (though mentally challenging) to break this kind of ride into multiple loops, with each one ending back at the house, to help simulate an aid station -- more like the "turnaround point"! If the weather is awful today, then feel free to switch the Saturday and Sunday schedules. Get out there and enjoy!

RUN 0:50 Remember, the duration is really what counts, and you're all teaching your bodies what they will need to do to keep going and going... Again here, plan to have substantial aid available before and during this effort. You're likely dehydrated after your ride (it's much harder to gauge how thirsty you are on the bike), and you'll benefit from your run much more if you approach it slowly and gradually. Break this into multiple loops if necessary, and keep going! DAILY TOTAL: 5:55

Sunday, 6/29 What's in store after yesterday? You can view this as being the "rest of the run" -- or a "bike sandwich" as it's been known to be called. You'll begin with essentially no legs, and slowly you'll find life returning to them. Then you'll hop on your big for an extension of the run, which will hopefully also help circulate the blood and help you feel stronger. And finally, you'll finish with your final "victory lap" to the finish...

RUN 1:20 I've found it easiest here to break this into 40 minute segments, preferably as loops that begin and end at the house -- it's sometimes even better if it's broken into one 50-minute and one 30-minute segment following different routes. Keep your HR below 70% throughout, which after yesterday shouldn't be too tough...

BIKE 1:00 This can be done on the road for the sake of more scenery, though the intensity (hold it under 70% here as well) will be easier to control indoors. If you're inside, break it up as follows: 3 aerobic intervals @60-70% intensity w/3:00 recovery after each: - #1 (8.4mi / 13km / 22:00) - #2 (5.6mi / 9km / 17:00) - #3 (2.8mi / 5km / 9:00) RUN 0:40 Then it's back outside for your final "victory lap"! DAILY TOTAL: 3:00 WEEK-TO-DATE: 17:00

Sunday, May 17, 2009

10 weeks to go...

And one of us is getting scared.

It felt a little better after a week of pretty great workouts....55 miles biking yesterday (plus run and swim)...14 miles running today...then I looked to the week ahead. Note Saturday's notes...

Weekend Note: This is the first "serious" weekend of activity. The optimal layout involves a long ride on Saturday (anywhere from 60-70 miles -- though you shouldn't worry about the total distance covered) and an extended run-bike-run (a "bike sandwich") on Sunday.

REALLY??? First SERIOUS weekend? That scares me....but off I go....

Ultra Distance GroupCompetitive Season Week 5 Swim 2:30 - Bike 6:00 - Run 3:30 -- Total: 12:00
This is designed to allow recovery during the week with some extended long work on the weekend. Since we've begun to add significant high intensity work -- and will be adding more in the future -- it's important to take some extensive recovery time every 4-6 weeks to enable the body to rebuild completely before progressing further. This week's hard intervals will be shorter and the durations of most of the workouts have been significantly reduced. By the end of the week you should be ready to tackle the weekend, as well as the next cycle.

Monday Total day off -- relax and allow your body to rebuild. Remember, rest with as much intensity as you train!

Tuesday SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 6 x 150 continuous, alternating Swim (#1 & 4) - Kick (#2 & 5) - Pull (#3 & 6) MAIN SET 3 x 300 w/30 sec recovery #1 @80-85% #2 @85-90% #3 @90+% COOL DOWN 600 Pull @70% -- use perfect technique and minimize your stroke count

BIKE 1:00 10:00 getting your HR up to 60% -- straight into 5 x 20 sec fast spinning (100+ rpm cadence) w/40 sec recovery spin @90 rpm MAIN SET We're going to play around with this set a bit, asking your legs to recruit different muscle fibres by adjusting your cadence in the middle of each repeat. Forcing this adjustment serves two purposes: it simulates real riding more closely, and it helps promote pedaling efficiency. It's tougher, for sure -- have fun with it! 2 x 10:00 @84-92% w/10:00 @60-70% after each each 10:00 repeat should be done as follows: - 2:00 @85-90 rpm (hard gear) here's where you adjust your gearing (6:00 total) - 4 x (30 sec @95-100 rpm -- 10 sec @105-110 rpm -- 50 sec @85-90 rpm) - 2:00 @85-90 rpm (hard gear) COOL DOWN Continue spinning @~100 rpm, bringing your HR back down gradually to 60% with 5:00 left, and finally below 50% by the end.

RUN 0:40 15:00 warm up jog, allowing your body to slowly get up to 60-65% by the end. 2 x 7:00 steady tempo run @70-75% intensity w/3:00 recovery jogging @60% in between - focus on holding proper running form Bring your HR back down to 60% with 5:00 remaining & 50% by the end.

BIKE 1:00 WARM UP 15:00 spinning @90-95rpm - get your HR up to 60% in the first 10:00 and closer to 70% by 15:00 DRILLS These drills are designed to help smooth your pedal stroke for greater efficiency: 2 x 3:00 Isolated Leg Training w/30 sec recovery after each MAIN SET 3 x 7:00 @75% w/2:00 easy spinning - hold 90-95rpm cadence throughout COOL DOWN 10:00 easy spin (small chain ring) @95rpm, allowing your HR to return to 50% for the final few minutes.


SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 800 Swim - every 4th lap Kick MAIN SET 12 x 100 w/15 sec rest alternate 2 Swim - 2 Choice - 2 Pull w/Paddles (twice through) 4 x 75 w/10 sec rest - each 75 is (25 moderate freestyle - 25 choice - 25 fast freestyle) COOL DOWN 600 easy swim, minimizing your stroke count

RUN 0:50 Standard track workout format -- use the suggested times only if you can't get to a track. 15:00 easy jog, gradually raising your HR to 70% - finish with 1-2 laps of accelerated running down the straightaways to get you ready for the main set: This set totals slightly less than 5km and should be done at a relatively high intensity. Challenge yourself to push toward faster times -- this is where progress is made! 4 x (1200m / 5:00) w/(400m / 2:00) easy jog after each - use #1 to elevate your HR up close to 84% by the end - #2, 3, & 4 should be hard efforts within the 84-92% AT zone Jog easy @60% or below to the end -- walk 2-3:00 to complete your cool down

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 400 easy swim MAIN SET 3 x 200 (50 Kick - 25 Right Arm - 25 Left Arm - 100 Swim) w/20 sec rest - concentrate on maintaining a low stroke count per length for the final 100 Swim 4 x 100 IM w/10 sec rest 6 x 50 Swim (25 easy - 25 fast) w/5 sec rest COOL DOWN 300 easy swim

Weekend Note: This is the first "serious" weekend of activity. The optimal layout involves a long ride on Saturday (anywhere from 60-70 miles -- though you shouldn't worry about the total distance covered) and an extended run-bike-run (a "bike sandwich") on Sunday. The idea is to offer your body a solid idea of what an extended duration of activity feels like. Ideally these kinds of weekends will begin with a ride that will help you test your fueling strategies (you should stop as little as possible), and finish with a run that puts you solidly in the aerobic zone for an extended period of time. In future training cycles this weekend will get slightly higher in intensity and will even include an extra run on Saturday (we'll even include a short swim once or twice to give you the total triathlon experience). This extension of activity should also be building your confidence that you can complete a full Ironman distance race, if that's what your future goals include. You'll notice that we haven't included an indoor alternative for Saturday -- this is because we want you to ride outdoors, if at all possible. If the weather is cold and rainy on Saturday, feel free to switch the two days and try for Sunday; if Sunday's weather is equally unattractive, then go ahead and choose an indoor alternative from a previous weekly schedule. The bottom line is that we'd really like you to get outside this weekend, on both days, for an extended "Iron Weekend" of great outdoor training. Have a great time with it!

BIKE 3:30 You should still be scheduling all of your longer weekend rides outdoors, weather permitting. In fact, if the weather is poor on Saturday and the forecast calls for improved weather on Sunday, then we'd recommend that you switch the two days to enable you to get some long "road time".


RUN 1:10 You might find it helpful to mentally break this run into 35:00 chunks. I always find that to be more manageable than a full hour, for some reason, and it helps maintain the focus throughout this longer duration. Spend the first 20:00 getting into it, watching your HR slowly get above 60% 2 x 20:00 @75% w/5:00 @60-65% in between

BIKE 0:30 Immediately after the run...hold the intensity @70-75%

RUN 0:50 I'm going to ask you to really challenge yourself here -- time to up the tempo and close out your week with a bang. Remember, you've got tomorrow off, so go out there and make this a strong effort. You'll be starting with a fast tempo right out of the blocks: 2 x 15:00 above 80% w/10:00 @60% after each


Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 26 - Strategic resting makes ALL the difference

So hopefully this weekend was the last of my having to screw with my schedule. I was, once again, supposed to take Friday off, then do the longest workout of the week on Saturday (all 3 legs) and a shorter but still long workout on Sunday. Saturday was the wedding, so I did the Saturday workout Friday and the Sunday workout after another rest day Sunday.

I rested Thursday even though I was not supposed to....but I felt SO good in my workout on Friday. Then Sunday....well...I was supposed to run 1:45 but I felt so good and strong, and realized at 1:30 that if I upped the tempo just a little I could make a half-marathon in under 2 hours. So I pushed and I made it. I did a 40-minute bike afterwards and definitely felt fatigued once I got off, but was strong for the most part.

Definitely the lift I needed.

This week:
Tuesday SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 300 Swim - 200 Kick - 300 Pull MAIN SET 30 x 50 w/10 sec rest, as follows: #1-10: gradually descend from 75% to 85% by #10 #11-18: 25 Kick - 25 sprint #19-30: race pace -- each one @90+% COOL DOWN 400 Pull @60-70%

BIKE 1:25 15:00 warm up spin, getting your HR up to 70% by the end DRILLS 3 x 3:00 Isolated Leg Training w/30 sec recovery after each - your HR should be @75% or higher after finishing this set MAIN SET As with last week, use the first repeat to get yourself into that higher intensity AT zone -- this should take less time than it did last week, but will still probably require 6-8:00 of steady riding. Be patient and pace yourself wisely -- remember, there's a second repeat coming up! You should be recording your times, average HR (if possible) and average mph/kph (or average time per mile/km), and you should definitely begin to notice some improvements over time. 2 x 20:00 @84-92% w/10:00 @60-70% after each COOL DOWN Continue spinning, bringing your HR down slowly until it's under 50% by the end DAILY TOTAL: 2:10

The primary focus on Wednesday is to include some high quality, lower intensity aerobic work. You'll notice that you are instructed to keep your HR below 75% throughout the day -- make sure that you are sparing your body after yesterday's hard ride and before tomorrow's hard run. RUN 1:10 10:00 warm up jog -- hold your HR under 70% 3 x 10:00 tempo runs @70-75% intensity w/2:00 @60-70% after each 6 x 20 sec strides w/1:10 easy jog after each Bring your HR back down gradually, to 60% with 5:00 remaining down to 50% by the end.

BIKE 1:40 WARM UP 20:00 spinning @90-95rpm - use a gearing pyramid to get into it slowly. DRILLS 3 x 3:00 Isolated Leg Training w/30 sec recovery after each MAIN SET Reality check: Make sure that you keep the intensity under control here! 3 x 16:00 @75% w/4:00 @60-70% after each COOL DOWN Finish with an easy spin in your small chain ring @90-95rpm, allowing your HR to return to 50% for the final few minutes. DAILY TOTAL: 2:50

SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 400 Swim - 300 Pull - 200 IM - 100 Kick MAIN SET 2 sets of the following: 350 @75% 300 @80% 250 @85+% Swim the first set, Pull (Paddles ok) the second set COOL DOWN 6 x 50 easy w/10 sec rest

RUN 1:00 This is designed to be done at the track at higher intensities. If you are out on the road instead, make sure that you follow the suggested time intervals and intensities closely. 15:00 jog, getting your HR up to 65% by the end -- straight into 4 x In & Out repeats (100 / 20 sec) This set contains a larger number of smaller repeats -- the idea is to retain good running form in short bursts, and keeping your HR in the desired intensity range throughout the set. Get psyched and go get 'em! You'll notice that it will take 2-3 repeats to elevate your HR to the desired zone, but this is exactly what you experience in a "straight" road race. Pace yourself accordingly, elevate your HR into the desired zone in a controlled fashion, and keep it up throughout this 5-mile set. 10 x (600 / 2:00) @84-92% w/(200 / 1:00) easy jog after each Jog easy -- keep going until your HR is under 60%, then walk an additional 2-3:00 to help accelerate your recovery.

Friday SWIM 0:45 WARM UP - 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 2 x 100 IM -- continuous DRILLS 12 x (50 Side Kick - 25 Swim) w/10 sec rest after each - remember to take three strokes when you switch from one side to the other COOL DOWN - 600 Swim - keep your HR under 70%, lowering the intensity to 60% by the end DAILY TOTAL: 0:45

BIKE 3:25
RUN 0:50 Put in a fast transition and get on the road right away. Your HR should be elevated above 75% quickly -- just keep it below 85%. Hold it in this range for the first 30:00, then cool down completely by the end.

SWIM 0:30 400 Swim 8 x 75 (first 25 Kick) w/10 sec rest -- keep your HR below 65% 600 Pull @60-70% DAILY TOTAL: 4:45

RUN 1:45 This run is broken into shorter tempo runs to help you develop a sense of pace for a longer run. Concentrate on holding proper running form throughout -- efficiency is key! 20:00 easy jog, bringing your HR up to 70% by the end 3 x 20:00 steady tempo run @75% w/5:00 @60-70% after each Continue jogging @60% or below through to the end

BIKE 1:00 Immediately after the run, if possible. Total recovery spin holding your intensity below 65% & @90-95rpm DAILY TOTAL: 2:45 WEEK-TO-DATE: 15:15

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Learning a Lesson the Hard way - R-E-S-T!!!!

I am now under 3 months from an Ironman-distance triathlon. I started a 36-week training program back in November. After significant time building the base, I have gotten into big workouts.

I was pretty good at base building. I missed a few workouts and was not as fast as I want to be, but I was muttling through.

This past weekend was supposed to be the first long "brick" where I was to do all three legs (swim, bike and run) in the same day. Richard and I had planned to go to the San Diego Animal Park this weekend. The animal park would be an all-day thing, so I planned ahead. Normally, the training calls for Friday as the one rest day for the week, LONG workout Saturday with focus on the bike, shorter (but still long) workout Sunday with a focus on the run.

My plan was to move the Sunday workout to Friday because I could fit it in, have Saturday as my 'rest' day at the animal park, and then do the long workout on Sunday. I really think I would have been fine....except.....

The forecast for Saturday around the park called for rain. So late Friday (already several drinks into my evening) we decided to push the animal park to Sunday.

My workout Friday had been pretty good. The run is my weakest part, but I biked for 50 minutes and then ran 1:50 minutes at a pretty good pace. I was actually very proud of myself.
Saturday I was supposed to bike 2:50, run :40 and swim :30. My plan was to bike first, then run to the pool, then swim and run or walk home. My legs were a little sore from Friday, but not screaming.

1:50 into my bike, I got off, got more water, and tried to stretch and, admittedly, rest a little bit. 2:20, I had to stop. My workout was sh!t and I was getting to the point where pushing myself eas risking straining something, I could feel it.

Moral of the story: Rest days are critical. C-R-I-T-I-C-A-L.

Between not being completely rested, having more to drink than I normally would have the night before a workout like that, and not getting a great night's sleep, I completely hit a wall.

And as bad as it was physically for me, it was worse mentally. I was already fatigued and feeling like I could not cut it just ripped me apart and I have not yet fully recovered. I am about to go to the gym for an interval workout to get myself back on the horse. We have a wedding to go to out of town this weekend and I need to switch my workout again...but after this...no more changes. (And even this week, I am taking Thursday to rest in anticipation of the Friday workout.)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week 25

I'm really focusing on getting myself back on schedule. I have a wedding to go to this weekend, but otherwise hope that nothing interferes with my plans. We've gotten into long bricks on the weekend that incorporate all three legs...it's feeling good!

I'm looking for a wetsuit and a new bike saddle....but it is coming together!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Week 24 - a hard lesson to learn

I write this in part right now because I am procrastinating going to the gym. I am in the dumps workout wise....

I am now under 3 months from an Ironman-distance triathlon. I started a 36-week training program back in November. After significant time building the base, I have gotten into big workouts.

I was pretty good at base building. I missed a few workouts and was not as fast as I want to be, but I was muttling through.

This past weekend was supposed to be the first long "brick" where I was to do all three legs (swim, bike and run) in the same day. My husband and I had planned to go to the animal park this weekend (he's been gone a lot, we've had little time together, and he had a ROUGH week at work). The animal park would be an all-day thing, so I planned ahead.

Normally, the training calls for Friday rest day, LONG workout Saturday with focus on the bike, shorter (but still long) workout Sunday with a focus on the run.

My plan was to move the Sunday workout to Friday because I could fit it in, have Saturday as my 'rest' day at the animal park, and then do the long workout on Sunday. I really think I would have been fine....except.....

The forecast for Saturday around the park called for rain. So late Friday (already several drinks into my evening) we decided to push the animal park to Sunday.

My workout Friday had been pretty good. The run is my weakest part, but I biked for 50 minutes and then ran 1:50 minutes at a pretty good pace. I was actually very proud of myself.
Saturday I was supposed to bike 2:50, run :40 and swim :30. My plan was to bike first, then run to the pool, then swim and run or walk home. My legs were a little sore from Friday, but not screaming.

1:50 into my bike, I got off, got more water, and tried to stretch and, admittedly, rest a little bit. 2:20, I had to stop. My workout was sh!t and I was getting to the point where pushing myself eas risking straining something, I could feel it.

Moral of the story: Rest days are critical. C-R-I-T-I-C-A-L. Between not being completely rested, having more to drink than I normally would have the night before a workout like that (that needs to cut down too), and not getting a great night's sleep, I completely hit a wall.
And as bad as it was physically for me, it was worse mentally. I was already fatigued and feeling like I could not cut it just ripped me apart and I have not yet fully recovered. I am about to go to the gym for an interval workout to get myself back on the horse. We have a wedding to go to OOT this weekend and I need to switch my workout again...but after this...no more changes. (And even this week, I WILL take Thursday to rest in anticipation of the Friday workout.)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Week 23 - Getting a Confidence Boost

On Wednesday, I ignored the program and swam a mile and a half straight in the pool. 2500 yards. 100 lengths.

And I did it in under 40 minutes.

Now, admittedly, swimming is the part I expect to be my best leg. I swam competitively for 8 years....I was not too shabby...and distance swimming was my thing. But I have started to become very scared about the other two legs. Part of it is my speed, or decided lack thereof. The 36-week training program I am doing is based on time - run for 1 hour, bike for 2 hours, etc. only the swim is prescribed distances. What makes me nervous about that is that someone who training at 8:30 minute miles will go quite a bit farther in an hour than me and my 10 minute miles...and obviously the longer the time the greater my deficit. I fear that while I will be able to run 4 hours by the end of this, that will not be enough for me to finish the run leg. So....I am adding time to the currently prescribed runs.

This weekend is the first big brick...all three sports in one workout. I am looking forward to it. I hope it gives me more of a confidence boost.

I have also signed up for 2 Olympic-distance tris in June, which will get me back in the racing mindset and give me a good chance to practice my transitions.

13 more weeks, let's hope it's my lucky number!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Week Twenty-Two

This was one of my better weeks of training, and one of the first I am really working on mid-workout eating to try to figure out my race fuel plan. So far POM bars, apples and grapes are a good part of the plan.

It got hot here this weekend, and hydrating was a huge challenge. I had a 3-hour bike today, took 3 water bottles (2 water, one Gatorade) and finished them all before I was done. Need to be more careful about that. I think my challenge was being outside all day yesterday at the Long Beach Grand Prix. It was hot and we were drinking (POM Mojitos!). I needed a lot more water.

I am still not feeling confident, but this weekend's sessions helped significantly. I need to keep sticking exactly to the training plan, that will help too.

Here's a taste of the week:

Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #22 Swim 2:30 - Bike 6:45 - Run 4:00 -- Total: 13:15

SWIM 0:45
WARM UP 2 sets of: 100 Swim - 100 Kick - 100 Pull -- 2nd set should be slightly faster MAIN SET 8 x 200 w/20 sec recovery (Alternate set: 5 x 200) -- each 200 should be done as 100 @75% / 100 @80-85% COOL DOWN 100 Swim - 100 Kick - 100 Pull - 100 Swim DAILY TOTAL: 0:45

BIKE 1:40
WARM UP 10:00 easy spin, gradually increase effort to 65% INTERMEDIATE SET 5 x (20 sec spin @110+ rpm / 40 sec @90 rpm) -- then spin easy for 2:00 MAIN SET Descending intervals: 2 x (6.2mi / 10km / 15:00) hold right @75% -- 3:00 recovery spin (5.0mi / 8km / 14:00) increase to 80-85% -- 4:00 recovery spin (3.1mi / 5km / 10:00) @85+% -- go straight into cool down COOL DOWN spin easy @85 rpm, bringing your HR back under 60% by the end

RUN 1:00
Give yourself about 20:00 to get into it, letting your HR rise gradually to 65-70% 30:00 tempo run -- challenge yourself here: it should feel pretty tough, but definitely short of that '"race pace" tightness and exhaustion. Your HR should stay above 80%, but should also remain below 85% throughout the effort. Cool down completely, allowing your HR to come down gradually. It's important that you recuperate properly to leave yourself ready to attack the remainder of the week.

SWIM 1:00
WARM UP 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 200 IM Intermediate Set: 8 x 50 (25 easy / 25 fast) w/10 sec rest (ALTERNATE SET: 6 x 50) MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! Today's big target is the same duration as the previous ones, but the durations are mixed up to provide some variety and to help you keep your focus throughout the set. 4 sets of the following, all at race pace (85+%): 200 w/20 sec rest 2 x 100 w/10 sec rest 2 x 50 w/10 sec rest -- NO additional rest in between sets - go straight into the next one. COOL DOWN 6 x 50 easy w/10 sec rest

BIKE 1:20
20:00 warm up spin, gradually bringing your HR up to 70% (no higher) DRILLS 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) MAIN SET Ironman Interval -- exactly 1/10 of an Ironman bike leg (11.2mi / 18km / 33:00) @75% -- record your time for future comparison Cool down spin, holding your HR at 70% at first, then bringing it back down under 60% by the end. It should be relatively easy to keep your HR under control throughout today's easy efforts. DAILY TOTAL: 2:20


SWIM 0:45
WARM UP 300 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 Pull MAIN SET 3 x 400 w/2:00 rest after each #1 @80%, #2 @85+%, #3 @90+% COOL DOWN 16 x 25 IM order w/5 sec rest

RUN 1:15 This workout is particularly suited for running at a track. The time durations are provided for guidance if you don't have access to one. 15:00 warm up jog Intermediate set: 4 x (100m or 20 sec build up / 100m or 40 sec recovery jog) -- no additional rest between sets MAIN SET - BIG TARGET 3 sets of the following: 1 x (800m / 3:00) @80-85% w/(200m / 60 sec) recovery 2 x (400m / 1:30) @85% w/(100m / 30 sec) recovery -- extra (800m / 4:00) recovery jog after each set -- these "broken miles" should add up to your Half-Marathon PR pace per mile, or better! Long cool down jog, continuing to run until your HR returns under 75%, then 70%, then 65%. You should walk the final 2-3:00 to ensure that your HR is back under 100bpm before stopping.

Friday You've had a particularly tough last three days, especially Tuesday's ride & run, Wednesday's swim, and yesterday's track workout. You'll need this day off to regroup before a tough weekend.

BIKE 2:45 Some of you are racing today (Wildflower), and the others should head outdoors if the weather is cooperating. Also, it's perfectly fine to swap Saturday's sessions with Sunday's, which is pretty useful if it's raining on Saturday and the forecast calls for sunny skies the next day -- keep that in mind throughout the warmer months. For those stuck indoors, we've got a tough one lined up for you: WARM UP 20:00 warm up spin, using a gearing pyramid to get into it slowly. DRILLS 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) Aerobic Set: This is designed to add some aerobic "bulk" to today's session -- do it at the suggested intensities, and get ready for the main set. 2 x (11.2mi / 18km / 33:00) @75% with 3:00 @60-70% recovery Intermediate Set: During this set your HR intensity should bridge the gap from 75% up to 84%, getting your body ready for some higher quality, high intensity work. 4 x 20 sec fast spinning (120 rpm) w/40 sec recovery spinning (90 rpm) after each - continuous MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET (6.2mi / 10km / 17:30) @80-85% w/ 3:30 recovery @60-70% 2 x (3.1mi / 5km / 8:30) @85% w/3:30 recovery @60-70% COOL DOWN Continuous spinning until your HR is back under 60%. Adjust your gearing such that your cadence remains at roughly 90 rpm through the end of the session. Good job!

RUN 1:45 30:00 warmup, gradually raising your HR to 75% for the last 10:00 6 x 8:00 tempo run @80% w/2:00 recovery jog Continue jogging, allowing your HR to come back down to 60% before stopping

BIKE 1:00 Get directly on your bike, pedaling with a cadence of 90-95rpm @65% or under throughout


Monday, April 13, 2009

More than half way done

Okay, I've been really bad about keeping up with this. Life has been CRAZY. Which is really a serious lesson about taking on this training. It's tough. It's a huge time commitment. There are a LOT of things that try to interfere with training...especially when you get up over 4 hours of workouts on the weekend. And this seems to be the year of weddings for us, and those weekends make everything even more of a challenge.

To be honest, I don't feel confident in where I am just now. I know I missed a big weekend being out of town at a wedding a few weeks ago and I think it is catching up with me. I can do the endurance, okay, but I am SLOW. Much slower then this program anticipates one being. That it, admittedly, frustrating me.

But, fear is a powerful motivator and I am glad I am feeling this way now, with more than 3 months left to go.....hopefully time to do something about it.

This week's workout plan:

Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #21
Swim 2:30 - Bike 7:05 - Run 4:10 -- Total: 13:45

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 6 x (50 Swim - 50 Kick - 25 Swim) w/10 sec rest after each MAIN SET 2 x 650 Swim w/30 sec rest (Alternate Set: 2 x 500) #1 @70%; #2 @80% -- hold your stroke count even throughout COOL DOWN 3 x 200 Pull @70% (#1), 60-65% (#2), under 60% (#3) -- 20 sec rest after each (Alternate Set: 3 x 100)

BIKE 1:40 WARM UP 20:00 easy spinning, gradually working up to 70% DRILLS 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) MAIN SET 3 x (6.2mi / 10km / 17:30) -- #1 @70-75%; #2 @75%; #3 @80-85% w/3:30 easy spinning @60% & 90rpm after each COOL DOWN Keep spinning, holding your cadence at 85-90rpm and reducing your gearing to bring your HR under 50% by the end

RUN 0:45 10:00 easy jog, gradually bringing your HR up to 60% 10:00 increasing your effort up to 70-75% Stride Drills: 4 x "250 Strides" on 5:00 interval (This means to begin each one, every five minutes.) Focus on increasing the speed of your leg turnover -- really try to get your foot speed going! -- it's ok to let your HR drift up above 80% Cool down completely, bringing your HR back down to 60% by the end.

SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 4 x 200 w/15 sec rest, descending -- #1 very easy, @50% - increase the effort gradually to 70% on #4 Intermediate Set: 8 x 50 (25 easy / 25 fast) w/10 sec rest (Alternate set: 6 x 50) MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! This set is an excellent indication of what your speed would be during a swim from 1500 to 1.2 miles (Half Ironman distance). It should be enlightening to compare today's results to those of four weeks ago... 20 x 100 @race pace (85+%) w/10 sec rest between each (Alternate Set: 16 x 100) -- keep track of your total time and record the average pace per 100 in your log book for future reference. COOL DOWN 6 x 50 w/10 sec rest, bring your HR down under 60% by the end

BIKE 1:15 WARM UP 20:00 Gearing Pyramid: 4:00 in easiest gear, 5:00 in next gear, then 5:00, finishing with 6:00. -- your HR should be @70% during the final 6:00 DRILLS 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) (11.2mi / 18km / 33:00) aerobic spin @75% -- this is exactly 1/10th of the Ironman distance bike -- your pedal stroke should feel more even and smooth after finishing the ILT drills COOL DOWN continue spinning @90rpm, bringing your HR back under 60% by the end.

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 300 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 IM MAIN SET 1000 Loco Swim (Alternate set: 800 - skip one "4/4" in the middle) (1 easy/1 fast, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 4/4, 3/3, 2/2, 1/1) rest 60 seconds 800 Loco Swim (Alternate set: 600 - skip 4/4 in the middle) (1 easy/1 fast, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 3/3, 2/2, 1/1) COOL DOWN 4 x 50 w/10, bringing the intensity back down to 60%

RUN 1:05 This is designed to be done at the track -- the suggested times are included as a guide if you have to run elsewhere. 15:00 warm up jog, bringing your HR up to 70% gradually 2 sets of: 4 x (800m / 3:00) w/400m (2:00) recovery after each -- descend these from #1-4 (70% - 75% - 80% - 85%) -- no additional recovery between sets Continue jogging, reducing your HR down below 60% by the end. Walk two laps around the track before stopping completely. DAILY TOTAL: 1:50 WEEK-TO-DATE: 7:45

Friday - Rest Day

Saturday BIKE 2:50 It's difficult to develop an indoor cycling workout that approaches three hours in length without stetching the bounds of your sanity! Go ahead and perform this ride outdoors if possible, and follow this slightly reduced duration ride if you're stuck indoors. The increased efficiency when riding on a trainer will make up for the reduced "saddle time". WARM UP 20:00 Gearing Pyramid: -- 3:00 getting to 50%, 4:00 up to 60%, 5:00 @60-70%, 8:00 @70% DRILLS These ILT drills are an excellent mechanism for balancing your pedal stroke -- I do them regularly, and it's really helped me get my cycling "feel" back quickly. Even if you're riding outside these days (a good idea), you should take some time before or after your ride to include this drill. 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! 2 x (11.2 miles / 18km / 33:00) @75% w/3:00 recovery @75% intensity -- hold your HR under 75% and hold a cadence of 88-92 rpm throughout -- straight into: 2 x (6.2 miles / 10km / 17:30) @80% w/2:30 recovery @60-70% in between COOL DOWN Continue spinning for at least 20:00 @60-70% -- you're deriving some aerobic benefit as long as you're above 60% -- then bring your HR back under 60% before finishing. Hold your cadence at 90+ rpm throughout, though you can bring it under 85rpm for the final few minutes.

RUN 0:40 This is a steady aerobic effort to finish off your day -- do a quick transition after your ride and get on the run right away. Keep your HR under 75% throughout, and finish with 2-3:00 of walking to bring the intensity under 50% before stopping.

RUN 1:40 15:00 warm up jog, holding your HR under 70% throughout 30:00 "bulk" aerobic run: hold proper running form throughout 2 sets of (5:00 jog @60% between sets): 8 x 1:30 with fast foot speed w/30 sec slower jog after each -- let your HR drift above 80% if necessary to hold the proper cadence Continue running at an aerobic pace (60-70%) through to the end.

BIKE 0:50 Right after your run, either indoors or out on the road (be careful if it's chilly outside -- stay indoors!). Hold your intensity between 60-70%, and maintain a cadence of 85-90rpm. Stay in your small chain ring to reduce stress and improve your recovery. GREAT WEEK! DAILY TOTAL: 2:30 WEEK-TO-DATE: 13:45

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Holy Cow - almost 1/3 done!!!

Admission time....the fact that this is week 12 - 1/3 the way through this program - makes me initially a little excited...but then mostly scared. Am I ready? Am I on track? Is there enough time left to really be fully trained?


We're headed to Orlando next weekend, so I will be slightly altering the schedule in order to accomodate and not miss. I am also going to throw in a little yoga since I have the opportunity at work to do it for free once a week for the next 6 weeks. Looking forward to the stretching!!!

Week 12
Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #12 Swim 2:30 - Bike 5:15 - Run 3:30 -- Total: 11:15

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 2 x (100 Swim - 100 Kick - 100 Pull) - continuous (600 total) 8 x 75 (50 Swim - 25 Choice) w/10 sec rest (ALTERNATE SET: 4 x 75 Swim) MAIN SET 1000 continuous swim, hold steady pace throughout (roughly 75%) (ALTERNATE SET: 800 Swim) COOL DOWN 4 x 50 w/10, keeping your HR @60% throughout DAILY TOTAL: 0:45

BIKE 1:20 WARM UP 12:00 easy spinning, gradually working up to 65-70% MAIN SET 3 x (5mi / 8km / 14:00) @75% -- begin one aerobic interval every 15:00 (roughly 1:00 recovery, @60-70%) -- Remember: if you reach the recommended 14:00 before you reach the suggested distance, then stop at the 14:00 mark. COOL DOWN continue spinning @90-95rpm, bringing your HR under 60% by the end.

RUN 0:40 15:00 warm up jog, gradually bringing the intensity up to 65-70% Stride Drills: 4 x "250 Strides" on 5:00 interval (This means to begin each one, every five minutes.) Focus on increasing the speed of your leg turnover while forcing your HR to stay under 75% the entire time. Cool down completely, bringing your HR back down to 60% by the end.



SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 300 Pull (ALTERNATE SET: 300 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 Pull) Intermediate Set: 8 x 50 (25 easy / 25 fast) w/10 sec rest MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! This set is the same distance as previous target sets, but it is broken up into slightly larger "pieces". You should be able to maintain the same (or faster!) pace for this set than you did previously. Remember your times, take notes, and look for measured improvement. 10 x 150 @race pace (85+%) w/15 sec rest between each -- keep track of your total time (add up the time for each of the 150's) and record the average pace per 100 in your log book for future reference. You should begin to see improvement over previous target sets (1, 2, or several seconds per 100). (ALTERNATE SET: 8 x 150) COOL DOWN 100 Swim - 75 Kick - 50 Swim - 25 Kick -- all @60%

BIKE 1:05 WARM UP 18:00 Gearing Pyramid: 3:00 in easiest gear, 4:00 in next gear, then 5:00, finishing with 6:00. -- your HR should be @70% during the final 6:00 DRILLS 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) 3 x 4:30 Variable Gearing set w/30 sec recovery -- every repeat should be as follows: 3 x thru the following: 40 sec in "medium" gear; 20 sec in "easy" gear; 30 sec in "hard" gear 15:00 aerobic spin @75% -- this will provide a little aerobic activity to finish off this session COOL DOWN Continue spinning @90rpm for the final 7-8:00, bringing your HR back under 60% by the end. DAILY TOTAL: 2:05 WEEK-TO-DATE: 4:50

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 600 easy swim -- gradually build to 75% by the end MAIN SET 2 x 800 w/30 sec rest in between #1 @75% #2 @80-84% -- you can Pull this one if you want to COOL DOWN 4 x 50 w/10, bringing the intensity back down to 60%

RUN 0:50 This is intended to be done at your local track -- durations have been included in case you have to run out on the road instead. 10:00 warm up jog 3 x 2400 (12:00) @75% w/800 (3:00) @60-70% in between Continue jogging, cooling down to 60% before stopping. DAILY TOTAL: 1:35 WEEK-TO-DATE: 6:25

Friday Big rest day, as usual.

Saturday BIKE 2:05 WARM UP 18:00 Gearing Pyramid: 3:00 in easiest gear, 4:00 in next gear, then 5:00, finishing with 6:00. -- your HR should be @70% during the final 6:00 DRILLS 2 x 4:30 Variable Gearing set w/30 sec recovery -- every repeat should be as follows: 3 x thru the following: 40 sec in "medium" gear; 20 sec in "easy" gear; 30 sec in "hard" gear MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! 2 x (11.2 miles / 18km / 33:00) @75% w/2:00 recovery @60-70% intensity -- straight into 1 x (5.6 miles / 9km / 17:00) @75% -- make sure that you keep your HR under control for both repeats, and record both times (and average HR, if possible) for future reference. Note: This is 25% of a complete Ironman bike ride, held at 75% intensity. Not too bad, right? COOL DOWN Continue spinning, bringing your HR back under 60% before finishing. Hold your cadence at 90+ rpm throughout.

RUN 0:35 This is a steady aerobic effort to finish off your day -- do a quick transition after your ride and get on the run right away. Keep your HR under 75% throughout, and finish with 2-3:00 of walking to bring the intensity under 50% before stopping.


Sunday RUN 1:25 Steady aerobic effort, making sure to hold proper running form. Keep your HR under 75% the entire time.

BIKE 0:45 Easy spin, just a rejuvenating continuation of your run. Don't let your HR get above 70%, and bring it down gradually to 60% with 5:00 remaining. Finish with 2-3 min @50% or slightly below. Here's some structure that can help pass the time: Begin with 25:00 @75%, in a fairly challenging gear -- you should start out with a cadence of 80-84, and as your legs adjust to the transition from the run this will naturally increase to the mid-90's (if it doesn't, switch to an easier gear). Reduce the gearing for the next 12:30, holding 60-70%, and finish up with 7:30 of easy spinning @50-60%.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

It's all a matter of perspective in Week 11

I learned something last weekend. When you bike for 2:30, running :40 suddenly seems like no big deal. Let's pray that translates into the thinking that 26.2 miles of running is NOTHING compared with 116 miles biking. HA!

I have been thinking recently that Ironman training is boring, but I found an excellent way to combat some of that.....Meet Up (www.meetup.com). I found the Santa Monica Running Group and did my first run with them this morning. Wow is 8 miles so much more nice when you're engaged in conversation and not just checking your watch or the mileage. As an added bonus, it's possible to find other people who are doing/have done the event you are training for. I am getting great advice on the Vineman, and it will be so, so, so helpful.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) they run on Sunday mornings which, while ideal for my training, is not ideal for my Saturday night fun (and corresponding recovery time). Sadly for Richard, I think the Sunday morning runs need to win for the next 25 weeks.

Here's my training docket for week 11:

Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #11 Swim 2:30 - Bike 6:25 - Run 4:15 -- Total: 13:10 This is the long, steady distance week, so please don't mistaken the long durations as being full of hard work. The idea here, as it was in the third week for the first two cycles, is to build endurance through controlled aerobic effort. SO TAKE IT EASY OUT THERE THIS WEEK! Next week, of course, is another story....

Monday SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 2 x (200 Swim - 100 Kick) MAIN SET 2 sets of (3 x 300 w/20 sec in between) w/60 sec in between sets Each set should be - #1 @65%, focusing on reducing your stroke count - #2 @70-75%, holding same stroke count - #3 @80%, should be fastest & stroke count should remain equal to #1 & 2 (ALERNATE SET: 2 sets of 3 x 200) COOL DOWN 4 x 75 easy w/10 sec rest - bring your HR back down under 60% by the end

BIKE 0:40 This is an additional session to add some bulk to this week's cycling total. Use it as a pure aerobic effort that will also aid in your recovery. 15:00 warm up, as follows: -- 5:00 in relatively easy gear, getting up to 60-65% (90-95rpm) -- 10:00 in moderate gear, staying between 65-70% (90-95rpm) Straight into: -- 15:00 in next highest gear, holding it right @75% (88-92rpm) Finish with: -- 7:30 in moderate gear, staying between 65-70% (95rpm) -- 2:30 in easy gear, bringing it back under 60% (85-90rpm) DAILY TOTAL: 1:25

BIKE 1:15 WARM UP 12:00 easy spin (90-95 rpm), gradually getting up to 70% INTERMEDIATE SET 4 x 15 sec fast spin (105-110+ rpm) w/45 sec spin @90 rpm after each spin for 3:00 before starting main set... MAIN SET Remember here: Long, Steady Distance! Also, reread the questions regarding Interval Workout Instructions and Aerobic Interval Guidelines 3 x (5.0mi / 8km / 14:00) @75% w/1:00 recovery spin @60% COOL DOWN Bring down your HR gradually, finishing @60% by the end.

RUN 0:45 15:00 warm up jog, gradually bringing the intensity up to 65-70% Stride Drills: 4 x "250 strides" on 5:00 interval (This means to begin each one, every five minutes.) Focus on increasing the speed of your leg turnover while forcing your HR to stay under 75% the entire time. Cool down completely, bringing your HR back down to 60% by the end. DAILY TOTAL: 2:00 WEEK-TO-DATE: 3:25

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 400 Swim 12 x 25 w/10 sec -- alternate (Swim - Kick - Choice) MAIN SET 1500 straight swim @75-80% -- should feel slightly slower than race pace -- concentrate on minimizing your strokes per length (ALTERNATE SWIM: 1200 straight) COOL DOWN 200 Swim

BIKE 1:00 WARM UP 20:00 warm up spin, as follows: -- 3:00 in easiest gear @60-65% / 95 rpm -- 5:00 in next harder gear @65-70% / 90-95 rpm -- 5:00 in next harder gear @70% / 90 rpm -- 7:00 in next harder gear @75% / 88-90 rpm DRILLS 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) 3 x 4:30 Variable Gearing set w/30 sec recovery -- every repeat should be as follows: 3 x thru the following: 40 sec in "medium" gear; 20 sec in "easy" gear; 30 sec in "hard" gear 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each COOL DOWN 10:00 cool down spin, use your gearing to hold your cadence between 85-90 rpm, and bring your HR down under 60% by the end. DAILY TOTAL: 1:45 WEEK-TO-DATE: 5:10

SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 800 Swim, Kicking every 4th length (3 lengths Swim, 1 length Kick, continuous) MAIN SET 1000 Loco Swim -- let your HR get above 80% on the fast lengths (ALTERNATE SET: 800 Loco) rest 60 sec before continuing with: 6 x (100 @85% - 50 easy) - continuous (900 total) (ALTERNATE SET: 4 x (100 @85% - 50 easy)) COOL DOWN 6 x 50 @60% w/10 sec rest after each

RUN 1:05 This session is designed to be done at the track. The durations are included in case you don't have access to a track. WARM UP 15:00 steady warm up jog, between 60-65% MAIN SET Be sure to hold you HR in control throughout this set: 4 x 1 mile (1600m / 7:30) @75% w/400m (1:30) after each COOL DOWN Continue jogging for 5-8:00, bringing your HR back close to 60%. Finish with 2-3:00 of walking, lowering your HR below 50% before stopping. DAILY TOTAL: 2:05 WEEK-TO-DATE: 7:15

Friday - Rest Day

BIKE 2:30 Sure, this is a long workout. Of course, it's less than half the time you'll be riding in your big Ironman-distance race later this year! Yeah, yeah, yeah, that'll be outside, full of volunteers, and exciting...but you've got to do it now, to do it right then. Have a good time with it! WARM UP 20:00 warm up spin, easing into your long ride by slowly bringing your intensity up to 70% DRILLS (30:00 total) 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each -- each repeat should be 3 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition / 20 sec other leg / 10 sec transition) 3 x 4:30 Variable Gearing set w/30 sec recovery -- every repeat should be as follows: 3 x thru the following: 40 sec in "medium" gear; 20 sec in "easy" gear; 30 sec in "hard" gear 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery after each MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! This is a longer big target set, and will be used to track your aerobic conditioning at this point. This "Descending Ironman" set adds up to exactly 25% of the overall Ironman distance. Start your watch at the beginning of your first interval, and check your split times at the end of each segment. Your HR should be constant @75% during the intervals, and can drop to 60% (no lower) during the recovery periods. (11.2 miles / 18km / 33:00) @75% -- recover to 36 min mark @60% (8.4 miles / 13.5km / 24:00) @75% -- recover to 1:03 mark @60% (5.6 miles / 9km / 16:30) @75% -- recover to 1:21 mark @60% (2.8 miles / 4.5km / 9:00) @75% -- recover to 1:35 mark @60% COOL DOWN Continue spinning @70-75% until the 2:40 mark (about 15:00)

RUN 0:45 Transition quickly to your running gear and begin running as soon as possible. You should be able to quickly bring your HR up to 75% -- hold it there for the bulk of this run (either inside, if it's freezing out, or on a treadmill). You should ease down your intensity level to 60% at the end, with an additional few minutes of walking to bring your day to closure. Great job! DAILY TOTAL: 3:15 WEEK-TO-DATE: 10:30

Sunday RUN 1:40 It's been four weeks since your last aerobic running test, which makes it the perfect time to measure your progress. In addition to gauging your relative aerobic fitness, these "test runs" also give you an opportunity to test any new pre-race preparations (eating/drinking strategies) as well as any new equipment. Have fun with it & enjoy the challenge! WARM UP 20 min. warm up jog, gradually getting your HR up to 60% & holding it between 60-70% throughout. INTERMEDIATE SET 4 x 30 sec @75% w/60 sec @60-70% after each Your HR should now be settled in near 75% and ready for the test: Big Target: 4-Mile (6.5 km) MAF Test You'll notice that the distance for this big target has been slightly increased since the last one, and we will be gradually building this up to 6 miles (10km) over the next few months to better test your aerobic strength over longer distances. Be sure to hold your HR right at 75% throughout the test run -- no more! -- and make sure to record your time. Continue with a 40 min. endurance run @70%, either at the track or out on the road. This will add additional aerobic work to today's longer effort. Be sure to cool down completely, walking the final 2-3:00 to get your HR under 50% before stopping.

BIKE 1:00 This is a continuation of your run, designed to extend the aerobic benefit while relieving your legs from the run's pounding stress. Begin as soon after the run as possible. 10:00 warm up spin 2 x (6.2mi / 10km / 18:00) @75% w/2:00 recovery after each 10:00 cool down DAILY TOTAL: 2:40 WEEK-TO-DATE: 13:10

6 months to go!!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Gambling on Vegas - Week Nine

We were in Vegas for the holiday weekend and I was supposed to bike and run on Saturday. I only biked...on a mountain bike out in Red Rock Canyon...a little different from the prescribed workout. But it was fabulous!

On Sunday I was supposed to run 1:15. My goal was to try to go :45 before my calf stopped me. I had a deep tissue massage appointment for the afternoon, and I was ready to push it.

I am almost afraid to write the words....I was able to very slowly do the entire time with NO PAIN. I cannot believe it. The leg did not even hurt when I got the massage. Today is now my next run of the week....:40 after a 1:10 bike. I hope it goes as well...I would love to feel like I am over this problem.

Here's week 9:
Ultra Distance GroupWEEK #9 - 3rd Week of 2nd Pre-Season Cycle Swim 2:30 - Bike 5:40 - Run 3:45 -- Total: 11:55

Tuesday BIKE 1:10
WARM UP 15:00 Gearing Pyramid, - 3:00 getting to 60% - 5:00 from 60-70% - 7:00 btwn 70-75% MAIN SET Remember here: Long, Steady Distance! Also, reread the questions regarding Interval Workout Instructions and Aerobic Interval Guidelines 3 x (12:00 / 4.0 mi / ~6km) @75% w/3:00 recovery spin @60% after each - optimal cadence here would be 88-92 rpm - those who ride a CompuTrainer should focus on maintaining an even average power output throughout the set COOL DOWN Spin easy at 80-90 rpm, bringing your HR back near 50% before stopping

RUN 0:40 10:00 warm up jog, gradually bringing your HR above 60% 25:00 tempo run, keeping your HR below 75% the entire way 5:00 cool down, bringing your HR under 60% before stopping; walk for an addition 2-3:00 until your HR is back under 100 bpm DAILY TOTAL: 1:50

SWIM 0:45 WARM UP 400 Swim - 200 Kick - 300 Pull (ALTERNATE WARM UP: 300 Swim - 100 Kick - 200 Pull) MAIN SET 14 x 100 @75% w/10 sec rest after each - check your HR after the even numbered repeats (#2, 4, 6, etc.) to make sure that the intensity level is sufficiently low. Also be sure to focus on reducing your stroke count throughout the set. (ALTERNATE SET: 10 x 100) COOL DOWN 200 easy Swim

BIKE 0:50 WARM UP 10:00 easy spin, gradually getting your HR up to 65% MAIN SET 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery spinning in between - each ILT interval should be 6 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition) 10:00 @75% -- note how much distance is covered while keeping your HR under 75% the entire time; 2 x 3:00 ILT w/30 -- identical to above 10:00 @75% -- should cover more distance with this second interval, holding HR under 75% COOL DOWN Continue spinning, bringing your HR back well under 60% (closer to 50%) before stopping

SWIM 1:00 WARM UP 800 Swim, Kicking every 4th length (3 lengths Swim, 1 length Kick, continuous) MAIN SET 8 x 250 (middle 50 Choice) w/30 sec rest after each - Descend 1-4 & 5-8 from 60% to 70% to 80% (ALTERNATE SET: 8 x 175, middle 25 Choice) COOL DOWN 6 x 50 @60% w/10 sec rest after each

RUN 0:55 Here we'll be working on increasing your foot speed while remaining in your aerobic training zone. Pay attention to your HR and maintain the 75% limit throughout the session. 10:00 warm up jog, getting up above 65% gradually 8 x 250 strides (should be about 3:15-3:30 range) on 5:00 interval - (This means to start one repeat every 5:00, regardless of when you finished the previous one) - Remember that one "stride" equals two steps - Refer to the FAQ to review proper running form

Friday Total recovery day. These recuperation periods are extremely important to enable your body to strengthen itself & prepare for the challenges ahead. Remember: Gains are not made during periods of stress -- they're only made during periods of recovery.

This is one of the longest (perhaps the longest) cycling sessions we've had so far -- if you try to swallow it all at once you'll choke, so bear with me and let's take it through one segment at a time....

BIKE 2:15 WARM UP 20:00 Gearing Pyramid, as follows: 2:00 in easiest gear (hold 90 rpm), 3:00 in next hardest gear, 4:00 in next, then 5:00, and finally 6:00 @85-90rpm
DRILLS 3 x 3:00 ILT w/30 sec recovery spinning in between - each ILT interval should be 6 x (20 sec one leg / 10 sec transition)
INTERMEDIATE SET Alternate fast spinning (110+ rpm) with easy pedaling (90 rpm or less) as follows: 15 sec fast/15 sec easy; 30 sec fast/30 easy; 45 fast/45 easy 1:00 easy spin before starting the main set (You should be at the 40:00 mark or so by now)
MAIN SET -- BIG TARGET! Stick with mileage, unless you go way over the target time; if you do, then adjust the target mileage down such that you can finish the interval in the recommended amount of time. 2 x (33:00 / 11.2mi / 18km) @75% w/2:00 recovery, between 60-70% finish with 1 x (15:00 / 5mi / 8km) - Record your time & average HR for each, as well as your average power output (if you have a CompuTrainer) for future analysis. You might want to have a pen & paper handy before you start this! COOL DOWN 10:00 easy spinning, bringing your HR back down under 60% before stopping

RUN 0:40 This is an extension of today's endurance work, so start it as soon after the cycling as you can. If you start right after biking, then it should be pretty easy to get your HR up above 70%; in any case, keep your HR under 75% throughout the run.

Sunday, 2/2 RUN 1:30
You'll want to do this session at the same place you did the last time (January 5), either on the road or at the track. It's important to be as consistent as possible (run at the same place, the same time of day) to enable you to measure your progress accurately. Warm up with a 10:00 jog, bringing your HR to 60-65%
Intermediate Set: 4 x 15 sec @75% (faster foot speed) w/45 sec recovery jog after each Your HR should be up around 75% and ready to go! Big Target: 3-Mile (5 km) MAF Test Be sure to hold your HR right at 75% throughout the test run -- no more! -- and stop your watch after reaching the three-mile point. Record your time for future comparison -- you should see some improvement over the last time (perhaps 5-10 sec per mile) Continue with a 30:00 endurance run @70%, either at the track or out on the road. This will add additional aerobic work to today's longer effort. Be sure to cool down completely, walking the final 2-3:00 to get your HR under 50% before stopping.

BIKE 0:50 This is the "finale" to your longest week so far...congrats! Spin easily, and don't do anything that might jack your HR up above 75%. The purpose of this ride is to begin your recuperation before next week's challenges, so don't skimp on this...and get ready for next week!